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Well, hi there. So this is the first time I'm posting an Originals story on here. I have the first 5-6 chapters already written but I'm not really gonna waste my time posting here if no one's reading so yeah. Sorry but that's how its gonna be. That being said, I do hope to continue posting here and I do hope you guys enjoy and if you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate in telling me. Oh and I wanted to add that since I made Hope old enough to talk, I'm basing her speech patterns on my own little sister's way of talking so no. My english isn't bad, Hope, however, does not get that same luxury. Read, enjoy and please do review. :)


Time was a concept that soon became irrelevant to Klaus Mikaelson. The only thing he was aware of was the darkness and the pain. Pure agony enveloped him, dulling his thoughts and weakening him. He was completely immobile, unable to as much as lift a finger with the pain that coursed through him. The pain, his body eventually adjusted to, accepting it and allowing it to flow through him. Pain became a constant, ravenous hunger and shadows all that he now knew, insanity slowly consuming him.

After a while, his mind began to shut down in the unending darkness and agony and he feared that he would never see the sun again, feared he would lose himself so utterly in the shadows that had engulfed him that finding himself again, finding the man he had become, the man he hoped his daughter would be proud to call her father would be an impossibility. Klaus feared that a worse monster would break free of this tomb than the one that had been encased inside.

As time wore on, Klaus was swept into vivid memories of the past, hallucinations that exploded with color and light as what remained of his sanity attempted to salvage the shreds of his tattered mind.

Whispers of voices and echoes of music filled his ears, vision overtaken by ballgowns and elegantly dressed young men and women wandered and danced in front of him, delicate perfumes filling the air with the smell of spring. It all seemed so real, for a moment he almost felt as if he was actually surrounded by people who had lived over five hundred years ago.

He himself was standing, glass of champagne in hand as he gazed upon the dancers spinning elegantly around the room in dances that had long been forgotten with the passage of time. A voice he identified as Rebekah's reached his ears and he turned to face her. Upon seeing his face, her brilliant smile faded to concern as she frowned and reached for him, placing her hand gently on his arm as if to steady him.

"Nik, are you alright? You look like you're about to fall over."

Klaus could only glance at her hand which still rested on his arm in confusion. He could feel the slight pressure of her hand on his, yet he knew this to be all in his head, simply a pain induced hallucination of a memory of a ball that took place half a millennium ago. But it felt so real.

He reached up with his own hand to cup her cheek, looking at her warily. "How is it, that even though I know this to be a dream, it feels so real? That you feel so real?"

"What on earth are you talking about? I'm as real as you are Nik." Confusion spread over Rebekah's beautiful features and Klaus could only smile sadly.

"No, you're not. You, Freya, Elijah and Kol are all safe in your own little paradise. Freya and I ensured that at least. This, none of this, no matter how I wish it to be so, is real I assure you. But it is better this way. Over the years I have poisoned all that I have touched, whether it was my intention to do so or not. This way, perhaps I can make some of it right. Atonement, if you will, for all that I have made you suffer over the years. At least I know you now to be safe and happy with our other siblings. For that, I would gladly endure a millennia of this torment until Hayley finds the cures needed to save you." He kissed her lovingly on the cheek, smiling sadly at her confused yet determined face. Who knew when, if ever, he would actually be able to see his sister in person again? And he turned abruptly away, the vision vanishing and he was once again surrounded by darkness, pain that had been slightly dulled for the duration of the hallucination pushing through him stronger than ever in an endless cycle once again.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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