"Well son, it's important to be nothing but a great supporter, to help them through it. To try and understand their feelings, to push aside your feelings and put theirs first. They are the one with the issue. Is there something wrong with your girlfriend?" dad asked sounding a little worried. I didn't want to say anymore, dad already cleared it up for me.

"Thanks dad, can't wait to see you. And can't wait for you guys to meet her. You'll love

Her. I know it." I said.

"Of course son. I love you." he said.

"I love you too dad," I told him back and with that we hung up. After that I got all my

things finished up, and hurried out around three thirty to get myself cleaned up for tonight.

-Sway's POV-

I was brushing my hair, when Taylor walked in to take a look at me, "Wow." she said smiling at me.

"Do I look okay?" I asked her. I was wearing a longer dress, one that Taylor had gotten for me. It was black, and it had an open on the right side. It tied in the back, and it was silk.

"You look beautiful Sway," she said smiling at me.

"What shoes should I wear?" I asked her. Taylor knew clothes, I only knew streetwalker clothes.

"Sandals," Taylor said. I went to look for a pair of sandals, and that was my finishing touch. "Andy will love it!" she said with a smile.

"I hope," I told her.

"Hey, I don't know when you'll be back, but Ashley may be staying the night," she said.

"Ya'll finally going to bang," I asked with a smirk, Taylor turned a bright red. She has been making Ashley wait for awhile now.

"Hush," she said looking away from me. I laughed, and left the room, the end of the dress at the back had a bit of a drag that I had to pick it up a little. I felt like a princess in this dress. That I didn't like. I needed something to drink, so I went to the kitchen area, and opened up the fridge to see what was in there. I looked past the bottle of soda, my eyes catching the sight of the half empty Whiskey bottle. Something that was mine. I was very tempted to grab it, so tempted that my hands were shaking. My mouth all of the sudden felt dry. I wanted the refreshing taste on my tongue. I can't have kids anyway does it matter?

Before I could stop myself I was grabbing the bottle and unscrewing the cap. Chugging it down. The taste felt so right in my mouth, and I have missed it so much. I felt like all of the sudden I washing away all of life's problems. Then there was the clearing of the throat. I spun around to find Taylor giving me that death look, her arms crossed, shaking her head.

"Really Sway," she said with a sigh.

"It was tempting... Too tempting..." I told her hanging my head.

"Of course it was, you have an addiction Sway. You let your father let you get hooked on it. Just like him. Do you want to become that low life?" she asked me.

"Hey! He is still my father Sway! Matter what he has done, and where he is, he is still my father," I snapped at her. Taylor walked over to me, and took the whiskey bottle from my hands.

"You don't need this Sway! It's killing you! You can't have kids! You are letting it consume your life!" she yelled, and next thing I know she dumping it down the drain. "Just stop it Sway! Stop killing yourself! It's all you are doing, when you drink this stuff! Or when you do drugs!" she yelled, I think she was also crying. I've never seen Taylor like this before, so mad.

"Taylor just calm down," I told her, she spun around and threw the empty bottle on the floor, breaking it.

"Don't tell me to calm down SWAY!" she screamed. I took a step back, fear and worry. "Damn it Sway! Please stop! You are running your life! And it hurts me! It hurts me to see someone, who I care about, ruin their life!" she yelled at me.

"And how do you think I feel Taylor!? You never asked me how I felt?" I shot back at her.

"Then tell me, tell me how you feel Sway!" she yelled at me.

"I'm a damn fuck up Taylor! I didn't have a mother to raise me like you did! My father, he was shit! My whole fucking life growing up, I never had anyone, I never had someone love me or care for me. Watch over me! Hold me when I was sad! No one Taylor, I was all by myself! Not even Mike made me feel like someone loved me." I felt like I was going to start crying.

"I love you Sway!" Taylor cried, she then stepped over the glass and came to me, wrapping her arms around me, "I love you." she said.

"I want to say it back Taylor! But, the words are foreign to me." I told her, it tore me up that I couldn't even say those words to my best friend.

"It's not always about saying the words Sway. It's what you show towards the person, if you hugged me back, you would already be showing me the love." Taylor cried. And that's what I did, I gave her the biggest hug ever, tears falling holding the only person who has ever cared, who was always here, who took care of me, who helped me out when I was down. "I love you so much Sway," she said. And I love you so much too Taylor. They didn't leave my mouth, instead I held even tighter.

I fixed my makeup since Taylor made me cry, and then I came down and helped pick up the mess. Just as we were getting the last bit, the front door opened, and Andy was walking inside.

"What happened?" he asked, seeing the little bit of the mess.

"Uh, just dropped something babe," I said and stood up, Andy smiled when he saw me.

"Wow," he said breathless, "Angel you look like a goddess," he said, I blushed. That was sweet of him. "Are you ready my sweet angel?" Andy asked, I nodded and he reached his hand out. I took it.

"You guys have fun tonight," Taylor said with a grin.

"Oh we will," Andy said quietly with that smirk on his face. We left the apartment and went to his car. We drove to the mall here in LA, it was huge. Andy wanted to take me out shopping.

"Am I too overdressed for this?" I asked him.

"Of course not angel. I'm happy that you wore a dress," he said with a smile.

"Taylor got it for me," I said told him with a smile.

"She's a good friend," Andy said.

"She's the best," I told him, Andy held my hand as we walked to the mall. We went inside and it was huge, and it was busy. There were people everywhere.

"I'm going to spoil you tonight angel, and you are going to let me." Andy said.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because I want too. So, if you see something you love. I'm getting it for you," he told me, pulling me in and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"And what if I don't see something I love?" I asked him. He laughed.

"Angel, please let me treat you tonight. Let me spoil you. Then later tonight, I will spoil you in the bed." Andy whispered, sending a chill down my spine.

"Okay then babe," I told him. He smiled a huge smile. Might as well let him spoil me, I dragged him along with me. Time to shop.

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