Chapter 2

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December 29th 2013

It was cold outside. Snowflakes were falling down, there were people getting ready for New Years Eve and happy tourists were walking through busy streets. Living in New York was insane but never boring or lonely.

I walked along the music store where I met him and crossed the street where I walked into a small coffee store at the corner. I looked around till I saw him waving in the corner. He was so damn hot and cute at the same time. After we ordered the same coffee, we got to knew each other better. He even complimented me about my smile.

After 2 more caramel cappuccinos we went to Central Park. He wanted to skate on the ice rink, ofcourse I didnt want to skate with him. I've never skated before, I didn't want to fall down right before him.

After I had fallen already 10 times within an hour, we stopped. 'You're a good teacher, but i'm not going to do this again.' I said. He smiled and grabbed my hand. I almost died inside. Such a small thing like holding hands mean so much to me.

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