Chapter 5 ~ It All Happens

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“What do you mean, they’re planning to get rid of you and take over the kingdom?” Salma said in a voice full of nervousness. “When they tried so hard to save it from total destruction?”

I’m in the bathroom with Salma: she in a bathtub full of pink bubbles, I sitting on a beautiful, exquisite, cushioned chair. I have barely just sprung the news on her that our “honorary guests” are planning to take over the kingdom.

“Yes, Salma. I know it’s unbelievable but it’s true. They meant no good when they came to the arena that day. They didn’t save me either. It was just a set up. It was just a plan to…”

“Now, listen here, Eva!” Salma scolds. I’m trying to take her seriously even though she’s lying in a bathtub with bubbles up to her ears. “I know that you feel bad about what you did but you shouldn't go around blaming our guests for it. Now, I suggest you go up to the balcony to get a breath of fresh air. You seem to be getting a bit stuffed up from all this inside time. It would be good for you.”

I know I can't argue with Salma anymore. She just won't believe it. I'll just have to do it on my own, I think. It's not my fault if she gets torn to bits. I get up from my chair and nod obligingly.

“See you later,” I say as I leave to room. To the balcony I go.

Ten minutes later I navigate myself to the balcony overlooking the whole kingdom. It's the ideal place to be since Zora and Zoron have their meeting planned today. I will be able to sit up here and wait until I see the villagers spill into the town square and hear the royal trumpets blasting their music. The little island is beautiful, with lush greens, sparkling blue water and little specks of horses grazing so, there will be no boredom while I wait. Plus, I brought Lionare along. He's the only one that believes me. So, as we wait, we chat.

“Lionare, what am I going to do?” I ask angrily. “The world is totally against me and will be even more so if I'm not there to stop Zora and Zoron! What can I do alone?”

Lionare looks thoughtful for a second then speaks. “You're not alone. You have me. I can bite butts, you know. I can help you. Besides, there are still a handful of people who like you. They'll stand up for you.”

I shake my head. I don’t believe there is anybody left to trust and to be on my side. Except Lionare who is a cat and there for, not much help. Just then, the trumpets blast their songs into the sky. As I look down over the island, in a panic, I see that the villagers have already gathered in the square. They must have been walking while I was talking with Lionare. I jump up from my chair and look around worriedly.

“Lionare, I have to go! There's no time to loose! I must get to the square and stop them! It may be too late!” I'm frantic, practically screaming now. “I can't let anyone overthrow our kingdom, kill everyone I love and then leave like it was nothing, Lionare! I HAVE TO GOOOOOOOO!!!”

“Eva, calm yourself! We'll get there don't worry! I know a way! Please, just calm down!” Lionare yells at me. “Now, if you'll just follow me. I know exactly where to go”.

We make our way stealthily behind the podium, up onto the wooden beams and in between the silky, red curtains. I try to be as quiet as possible but the old podium can’t help but creak every time anyone steps on it. Not that it matters much. The crowd is so noisy and excited that nobody, not even the queen, could be heard over them. She’s making this big, long speech about how we have these two wonderful people in our royal family who have saved the “carefully balanced pyramid” from total destruction.

“They’re courageous and kind and saved our well known princess from a fatal death the day, weeks ago, when the dragons attacked,” my mother is cooing. “We shall honour that day forever. The were many people that lost their lives that day!”

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