The Mining Expedition

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After a successful night at guard duty, I returned to Aster's house. The strange talk with the Enderman left me shaking. Endermen weren't supposed to randomly attack people. It made no sense. And what was the mission the Enderman was talking about? And why had it been taller than other endermen? And why would this mission destroy the world? Why had he told me about this mission. My brain was as crowded as the line to the blacksmith's (crowded). At the house, I told Aster and Strider about the entire incident. They seemed to shake just while I TOLD them.
"This mission sounds like a pretty big deal," said Strider.
"Of course Strider!" said Aster, "End of the world and such! Kind of a big deal!"
"Look guys," I said "Whatever he meant, we aren't going to figure out what it was. We should get some sleep and then do some research at the library."
"I don't see how that will help, considering the library doesn't know everything." commented Strider. Strider always tried to look at things from a logical point of view. Unfortunately, his logic wasn't always on point. But this time it was. It was still worth a shot.

Our library isn't the most comfortable place. You have a villager with a nose the size of a wooden door staring at you with stern, unblinking eyes. And if you make a sound a hint louder than a cat walking, you're in trouble. So being ever so quiet, we began to talk in the dim light of a torch.
"Ok," I whispered "We need to find every single book on endermen, so let's start looking!" Easier said than done. The library was about size of a stronghold, with bookshelves covering every part of the wall. Eventually, after many hours of searching, book dropping, and "hushes" from the librarian, we has found around every book on endermen.
"Teleportation, Enderman-Friend or Foe?, How to Talk Vwoopish to endermen," I listed off all the titlesof the books in front of me. Finally a book caught my eye.
"The Official Enderman Guide," I read, "This looks like a good start." The book began with a picture of an enderman and a description of it's abilities. It went on to interviews with people who encountered a hostile enderman. Finally it became useful.
"From the beginning of time, the endermen had a guardian that hated human life," I read "The Enderdragon is a large beast that I pith black with purple eyes and mouth. However, a brave explorer named Horus Orpheus took on the Enderdragon. He was never heard from again."
"That was about as useful as a dead bush." said Strider.
"We learned a little, such as the Enderdragon. This 'mission' they were talking about could have to do with it." At that moment, Aradvoir entered the library.
"There you three are!" he said, "Could you go mining tomorrow? We're very low on diamonds." He walked off without waiting for a response.
"Well, nothing like a mining expedition to think about things," said Aster.

That night, Strider, Aster, and I piled in the old minecarts. The smell of new wood filled my nose. The rumbling of the minecart was soothing in a way.
"I hear this hole is new!" said Strider excitedly. And so it was. Ores littered the entire cave! I could see about a stack if diamonds just looking at the place!
"Well let's start mining!" At the beginning of the expedition, there wasn't much talking. We were all too busy collecting goods. But eventually we started discussing the entire thing.
"Maybe the Enderman was bigger than the rest because of a birth defect," suggested Strider. There was the sound of rumbling and sone gravel fell from the ceiling.
"What was that?" questioned Strider. Strider was always in edge.
"Probably just some lightning from above," said Aster, "Man up a little."
"I don't know Aster," I said "That explosion sounded a little-" There was a large BOOM sound. Everything was a blur. I could only remember me staggering away from the group, totally lost. When the shaking stopped, I found myself in a room by myself. A wall of gravel separated me from Aster and Strider. "Hello?" I called. No answer. That couldn't be good. At the time I hadn't noticed that the room was a s bright as day. When I did realize, I slowly turned around. The crunching of gravel beneath me was stressful, as I wondered what adventure awaited me. And I saw... A yellow and bluish green line surrounding a black and starry... well, I can't really describe what it was. It was like water showing an image of the night sky. But the sky looked otherworldly. Looking back on it, I have no idea why I took the plunge. Maybe it was to experience a new adventure. Whatever the cause, I jumped into the "water" which I now knew was a portal to a different world.

At first I saw nothing. Just darkness. Cold, unmerciful, darkness. Suddenly I was able to see. I was standing on a 3x3 square of obsidian. Around me was a dark purple sky with no stars and no moon. The only thing I could see in the entire place was a floating island. It was made out a pale yellow colored stone. In the middle of the island were obsidian pillars with bedrock on the very middle of the top if them. I stepped off of my obsidian square and ventured into the strange world. When I had climbed onto the strange island, I realized the place was FILLE with endermen! None seemed to be hostile. I hid behind a pillar. The vwoops of endermen wasn't comforting as I planned what to do here. First, I grabbed the stone this entire island was made of. I thought I could bring it back and have someone identify it. I looked around the pillar. My first big mistake. The purple eyes of and enderman greeted my gaze. Creepily, it stood paralyzed shaking on the spot. A small sound turned into a deafening scream. It's mouth was open wide, revealing no back mouth. Few things are creepier than an agitated enderman. Suddenly, it was gone. I tensed. This was an enderman's attack strategy. Teleport, run at you, and then teleport in front of you. And no matter how many times it happened to you, it would always be unpredictable. I scouted the area for the angry creature. Suddenly it was right there, shaking! I lunged, hitting it one the torso. The enderman was hurt, but not dead. It teleported away. I again scouted for it. I didn't see it until it was right in front of me. This time, it immediately attempted to land a punch. I jumped to the left just in time, but the enderman teleported again in front of me. I tried to attack, but the slender creature predicted it and teleported behind me. It attempted another punch. I performed a backflip, landed behind it and lunged. The slender creature turned into a cloud of dust and disintegrated. Where it had been was an enderpearl. I picked it up, wondering if the orb might come in handy. Then I went further into the barren landscape.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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