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Frank's pov

Gerard was freaking out in the other room, he was kicking and scratching at the walls, and he was growling and howling. I hope he isn't breaking anything, at least he isn't out in the woods all alone freezing to death. 

I made a few veggie wraps and got bottle of water, making my way to the guessed bedroom, I slowly opened the door and closed it quickly behind me. Gerard was under the bed, the pillows were ripped in half, the blankets were torn, and the bed was pulled half way across the room. Wow he did all of this?

"I made you stuff if you're hungry and I have water, I don't have any meat became I don't eat animals." I said and set the dish down near the bed, Gerard scrambled out from under the bed and peaked out. His eyes locked with mine as he slowly inched closer to the dish on the floor, it was odd how he walked on all fours, it looked so natural for him. 

He sniffed the veggie wrap and slowly nibbled it, he ate hungrily, after eating he sniffed the empty plate before backing away. He eyed me for a few minutes before slowly inching closer to me, his head tilted to the side.

"What happened to you, Gerard?" I asked softly as he sat down like a dog near me, he was looking at my veggie wrap. "Here." I said and held it out, he perked up and ate right out of my hand, after he was done eating he licked my head. I felt myself blush, he warm breath ran over my hand and up my arm making me shiver. 

Snap out of it, Frank. He probably hasn't had any human interaction since he's been out there.

Gerard sat down again and stared up at me, his bright hazel and green eyes glowed with energy, every thing that he does reminds me of a dog.

"Well let's go give you a bath." I said standing up, Gerard tilted his head to the side and watched me open the door.

Well if he acts like a dog I wonder if he behaves just like a dog would.

I patted my leg and opened the door fully, Gerard scrambled out of the room and straight to my bedroom. Shit, Shit, Shit!

"Gerard!" I called, a few seconds later Gerard came running out with one of my pillows in his mouth, he dropped it at my feet and made barking sounds that sounded just like a dog. I couldn't help but chuckle and pick my pillow up, I set it on the counter and led him to the bathroom.

Gerard followed me in, I sat on the edge of the tub, right when the water came on he was out of there. Was he afraid of water or something? Maybe something happened when he was younger...

"Gerard? Gerard?" I called as I walked around the house, when I got to my room I saw his foot sticking out from under the bed. "Come on, Gerard." I said, he growled and tried swatting me away. "If that's how you're gonna be." I huffed and took his foot, I dragged him out from under the bed and wrapped my arms around his waist, carrying him to the bathroom. He growled and kidded all the way there, when I shut the door he pawed at it weakly knowing that he couldn't get out. 

"It's not that bad, come on, get in." I said and splashed the water around a bit, Gerard growled and back into the corner. "Come on Gee, get in." Still more growling and howling. 

After trying to get him in I just held him down and pulled his shirt off then I picked him up and set him in the tub. He splashed around  trying to get out, I had  hold him so he couldn't get out. Taking a washcloth, I cleaned most of his body until there was no more dirt, I dint clean anything that his shorts were covering for many reasons. 

I took a cup and dumped water over his head, he growled and snorted loudly as I rubbed shampoo into his scalp. I rinsed it out and pulled him out of the tub, he shook profusely getting water everywhere. I took a towel and dried him off then brushed his hair out, I shut him in the bathroom as I got him clean clothes. I pulled his shirt over his head and I looked away as I put boxers and skinny jeans on him.

"All done." I said triumphantly and admired my work, Gerard was sexy as fuck, his hair was raven black and shoulder length, his skin was extremely pale, he looked amazing in my skinny jeans that made his ass look amazing, and his shirt was form fitting to hug his more feminine curves.

Ugh, stop eye raping the kid, Frank. 

Gerard was growling angrily as he tried to pull the shirt off, he gave up after a while and plopped down on the couch with a huff. I chuckled and ruffled his hair making him swat at my hand.

"Don't be mad at me, you're clean and you get food with a warm place to stay. Do you want a pop tart?" Gerard perked up when I mentioned pop tarts.

I toasted a pop tart and set it in front of him. He nibbled the side as I started to make dinner. I jumped when I felt someone tug on my jeans. I turned around, Gerard sat at my feet trying to see around me, his head tilted to the side as he stretched his neck out.

"It's almost done." I said as he sat back ans stared up at me. An idea popped into my head, I knelt down and took Gerard's hands in mine, I tugged him up until he stood up. His legs shook under him as he stood. I slowly let go of his hands, he sat back down and looked up at me, his head still tilted to the side. 

The timer went off signaling that the veggie burgers were done, Gerard barked at the timer and hopped back onto the couch. 

How did he even survive out there? Why hasn't anyone found him until now? Why does he act like a dog? I'm to tired to think right now.

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