Our touch brought me reeling back to my body. Where one second ago, I was only watching everything unfold, like a movie, now all of my senses were alive.

 I could smell his cologne, familiar and enticing, emanating from him as our kisses deepened.

 The unique taste of his lips, slightly sweet, slightly salty, and slightly something else; the last taste always eluded me but left me wanting more each time.

The muted, deep sounds that accompany passionate kissing, escaping his lips. Left with nowhere else to turn, they echoed tantalizing through my lips.

The contrast of all the different tactile sensations was dizzying; the rough feel of his denim against my bare thighs with each slight move of his leg while his soft lips seemed to encase mine in a tender embrace.

Our kisses began to grow into more than kisses as hands, tongues, and different sounds emerged. I noticed it as his touch began exploring my arms, neck, and stomach. It brought me back to reality, I realized what was happening and no longer was I kissing him on a mindless whim.

I broke our kiss and held Carter’s face in my hands. As I looked into his eyes I could feel the heat of the stars coursing through me. I could feel the planets, comets, Carter and I, everything was part of a natural balance.

I kissed him again, not on a whim, or without thinking, but because I needed to. With my eyes shut as we traded kisses, and the moonlight permeating my thin eyelids, everything was in sync. In that moment, everything was perfectly balanced.

Then, effortlessly, he flipped everything on its axis.

My back was pressed against the cover, the cover was pressed against the soft earth beneath it, and his lips were pressed against my neck. He peppered teasing kisses around it, scattered as unsystematically as the stars in the sky and burning with the same heat. I stared up into the darkness, biting back moans as the scene above me grew more vivid with each hot touch of his lips.

Kisses turned to nibbles and stars muddled together before my eyes, growing brighter and hotter. His mouth moved southward, kissing the nape of my neck and my stomach through my shirt; the world above me began to spiral as if a black hole had opened up. His hands caressed my bare legs, his fingertips trailing along my skin, and everything began to vibrate and shake viciously—the world was crashing around me.

Wait—no, only I was shaking. I was thrust from my body, rendered uncarnate again. This time however, I kept floating higher and higher, my body was shaking on the ground like a ragdoll being manhandled, but I was steadily growing further and further from it, until it disappeared, and there was nothing but blackness.

June 29th, 2013

(Chrys’ First Dream)

I opened my eyes to the lavender walls of my room and an annoying older brother gripping my shoulders and shaking me.

I pushed his arms off of me. “Get out of my room!” With my voice still marred by sleep, I sounded like a mixture between a drag queen and a dragon.

“Oh really, Ru Paul? That’s the thanks I get, your only brother, for waking you up from your nightmare?” He clicked his tongue at me thrice and wagged his finger. “Ingrate.”

I could feel my cheeks growing hot and I dived back into my pillow. “How would you even know I was having a nightmare?”

“I could hear you whimpering in the hallway. I came in and you were all red and sweaty. I figured I’d be a good big bro and put you out your misery.”

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