The Signs as Talents/Careers/Hobbies in Sakurasou and Some Other Stuff

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Aha I haven't done this in a long timeee. Sorrii if it isn't accurate />..<\


Capricorn- Cat sitter (Loves cats and all animals)

Aquarius- Voice Actor (they have a really nice voice)

Pisces- Painter (creative and marvelous paintings are created with their down to earth personality)

Aries- Gets fired all the time/doesn't know their talent (Too stubborn to explore different hobbies)

Taurus- Anime animator (isn't really into people but loves to observe them and base character designs off of them)

Gemini- Manga Artist (creative and loves drama)

Cancer- Mashiro Duty (is way too nice to decline)

Leo- Game Designer (chill and makes awesome things)

Virgo- Script Writer (very over-dramatic and makes people cry)

Libra- Teacher (the kind of teacher that lets you get away with everything)

Scorpio- Programmer (likes to stay inside and avoid humanity)

Sagittarius- Maid (They love their job to much)


Hope you all enjoyeddd!! Comment what you got and some other suggestions for this book! (I'll take anything, I'm desperate XD)  

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