Not mental.

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I gave a half smile to the window I was looking out of. Rain poured down, the sound of rain hitting the glass always calmed me.

"Ophelia McDrew?" A soft, but stern voice called out. Turning my head away from the beautiful view, I got up from the gray, horribly uncomfortable chair and walked towards the red headed women holding the door open for me. "Welcome" she greeted me politely at the entrance, I merely nodded to acknowledge her presence before walking in.

"So Ophelia McDrew, yes?" Again I nodded. "Shall we start with you telling me something about yourself?" She asked softly. Slowly trailing my eyes over the light grey walls, I answered her quietly, "I'm not mental." It almost came out as a whisper. The large, red headed women chuckled as if it were a joke I was telling her. "I never said you were."
My eyes closed as I took a deep breath, snapping them open I stared at her, "But that's why I'm here... isn't it? For you to analyse me. To tell if I'm all mush up here." I stated pointing to my head. "But I can tell you right here, right now. I'm. Not. Crazy." Almost out of breath after my rant, I stared intently straight at her wide, green eyes.
"If you're not crazy, can you tell me why your knee is bouncing like crazy, why you're mumbling crazy stuff under your breath, or why your hand is twitching like crazy." She smirked. "Because to me that seems like.... crazy behaviour." I shot out of my seat, my jet black hair smacking me in the face. "I..." I started. "Have a seat Ophelia." She tilted her head, smiling.

Biting my lip, I sat back down and knoted my fingers around my knees to keep them from bouncing.
"Now why don't we start over. I'm Dr. Janson, but you can call me Sofie if you'd like. You must be Ophelia McDrew correct? First I'd like you to sit back, relax and close your eyes. Can you do that for me Ophelia?" Dumbfounded, my lips parted but nothing came out. Instead I just nodded, layed down on the dark brown couch. And closed my eyes.

---hi hope you liked this lil chapter:) some feedback would be super amazing:) which direction you would like to see this story go in:) happy, sad, dark, whatever♡ Thank you♡love ya♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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