• Tertius •

65 7 3




I write this with you in mind

With dances and embraces

And kisses so divine

When you take a step,

I hold my breath

You lock gazes with mine

Suddenly I lose myself

Your warmth encompasses me

Shaking my reality

It brings out the dreamer, the fighter,

the princess, the child within me

Past seasons and changes

Across oceans and far flung corners

Dear, I do trust and pray,

My heart you won't shatter


It's a challenge to write poems with love as the theme, since I don't want them to sound too cheesy nor too bland.

I hope you guys like it. Feel free to comment and give constructive criticism, both will be highly appreciated.

Thank you for dropping by ♥

I hope you enjoy, or enjoyed, your visit.

Love lots,


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