Living My Life

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As every morning my alarm was blasting through my phone. I am sure it might have woken up my neighbours as well but am so lazy that I keep hitting snooze. It's my daily routine. My alarm will exactly go off at 6 A.M and being the biggest procrastinator that I am, I'll keep hitting snooze and get late for my classes. Today was no exception. After my alarm went off for what I think is fourth time I finally checked my watch.

Shit! I woke up late again. It was already 6:25 A.M when I got out off bed and already 6:45 A.M by the time I was ready for school. After making sure I look decent for school wearing a cute crop top with skinny jeans,a bomber jacket and my absolute favourite that is white sneakers I ran for my life.I really didn't want detention again.

I left in such a hurry that I didn't eat my breakfast. I didn't realise I was hungry until I reached school after running for 5 minutes without stopping. I didn't have my car. My family believed that you should only buy luxury when you can afford it and by all means I couldn't. I think money was never meant for me to save. I couldn't save money for anything . But hey amnot complaining since all these running and walking is what keeps me in shape.

I was 5 minutes early for my class. When I reached my locker I saw Jessica my bestfriend waiting for me with starbucks in her hand. Oh! How much do I just love this girl.

"You woke up late again, didn't you? " my bestfriend looked at me with a pointed glare. "Hehe! You know me so well. Now give me my breakfast. Am starving." I heard Jess mumbling 'sure you are ' but I didn't answer her.
She gave me my Starbucks and cinnamon bun. That was my favourite.

"Do you think you'll ever meet them? Like what if they're famous now and come searching for you. "

"Yeah! In your dreams Jess. In your dreams. "

"Dreams do come true. You know right. "

I didn't say anything after that and just smiled. How I really wished that this dream did come true and I get to reunite with them. My brothers who loved me more than their life once.

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