The Date

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The next day was very quiet. I didn't hear back from Aaron. And Travis was mad at me. "Hey honey "my mom said. She looked all dressed up. "Wow "I said. She laughed. "Is it to much"she asked. "It's to little"I said. She looked at me. I laughed. "Well,I'll be home soon. "She said. Then I heard a knock. "That Erik"she said. I walked up to the door with her. I smiled when I saw Erik. "Have fun "I said. She kissed my forehead. Then left. I closed the door o my to hear a knock again. I smile when I see Aaron. Holding a pizza. "I'm really bored. "He said. I nodded. "I see that. Come in"I said. He walked in and we sat in the living room.
After a while of them talking
"Remember when Lilith climbed the tree. And you were covered in baby food "I said. He shook his head. "And then your mom came and almost killed me. But thankfully Lilith was there. "He said. I nodded. "Wonder how she's doing "I wondered. He nodded. "And that night you wanted to kiss me"he whispered. I looked down. "S-sorry"he said. "It was a while ago. We should just forget about it"I got up and through the box away. I sat by him again. "Listen. I really like you still"he said. "Yea"I said. I started to cry again. "What's wrong"he asked. "YOU "I stood up. "You leave me knowing I really like you. Then come back and say this"I said. "I told you I liked you"he stood up to. A little close to me."But you still left"I said. "I'm sorry. I needed to go to college. "He said. "I know. I just didn't want it to be true"I looked down. "I'm really sorry I left. I thought of you every day. "He said. I looked at him. He looked at me. Then we both lean in and kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms are around my waist. Then I run back and just look at the ground. He just stands there. "S-sorry"he looked down. I didn't know what to say. "I'll go"he ran out. I just stood there. Then someone came to the door. "Woah. What happened here"Garroth said. I just looked at him. "Was that Aaron "he asked. "Yea"I said. "What was he doing here"he asked. "I don't know"I said. "Well. You ready for that date"he said. I nodded.

What he didn't know

Was that I just had a

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