Coach Jenkins shouted from the sidelines, "Come on guys!"

The announcer boomed, "Twenty-three seconds left. You could cut the tension with a sword!"

The next play began. The long ball was passed to Jay, who leaped and ran with it down the field. There was a big block from Chad. Jay dished the ball off to Rick. Carlos, with a big block, went down. Stefan ran through the kill zone and picked up Carlos. They were hammered by dragon fire. Jay did another hurling maneuver midfield and ran until he was in the clear and could get the ball again.

Carlos called "Jay!" as he stood in front of the goal.

Jay said "Carlos!" as he whipped the ball his way. The ball bounced off Carlos, Rick, and Stefan, then flew back to Jay, who passed it to Ben. Ben shot and scored,. The Knights had won.

In the stands, the crowd roared and went wild. Mal and Ash held their ears.

The announcer said "What a team! Incredible! And it's the new guys, Jay, Stefan, Carlos, and Rick, who set up the prince for the prince for the win. What a victory! An absolutely wonderful end to one of the best games ever! Here they come, folks, the winners-----"

Ben grabbed the microphone out of the announcer's hands and said "Excuse me! Excuse me! Can I have your attention, please?"

The crowd went silent.

He stood on the dragon cannon and said "There's something I'd like to say!"

Mal watched him from the bleachers with wide eyes.

Ben surveyed his captive audience and shouted "Gimme an M!" as he make his arms form the letter M.

There was an echo from the crowd after the letter. They all copied his moves.

Ben said "Gimme an A!" as his arms went to his sides.

The crowd roared "A!"

Ben said "Gimme an L!" while he throwed his arms up.

The crowd boomed, "L!"

Ben asked "What does that spell?"

The audience said "Mal!"

Mal crossed her arms and looked mortified.

Ben said "Come on, I can't hear you!"

The crowd roared "Mal!"

Ben said "I love you, Mal. Did I mention that?"

Mal pursed her lips and grinned.

Audrey, looking heartbroken, ran off the field.

The crowd ooohed.

Ben turned to the band and said "Gimme a beat!"

Ben: Did I mention that I'm in love with you?

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