48: Going to Battle

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Chapter 48: Going to Battle

When the morning of battle arrived, there was no time for a repeat of the previous night's performance, no time to lie and drowse in Severus' company as Hermione would have liked. They had a meeting at the Burrow paddock at nine, as Headquarters was not sufficiently large for the group they hoped to gather. Severus would have to meet with the Dark Lord and his minions an hour before they were due to appear on the field, but he would make a showing at the Order meeting first.

"It's time we got up, my sweet. We've a big day ahead of us," Severus said, though far from nudging her to stand, he slid a hand over her belly and caressed it. Hermione knew he thought of the new life inside her, and wondered if he would live to see it, or she to bear it.

She knew because she often wondered the same thing herself.

After another long moment, he extricated himself from her arms, and she let him go. The whole cottage seemed thick with silence, as though it were a heavy layer of fog filling the rooms. They went about their usual daily tasks with little or no talk, though Hermione often caught him stealing looks at her, as she stole looks at him.

So much of their time together had been spent with secrets keeping them apart. Now they were finally in accord, they had to face a battle they may not survive. Hermione wouldn't allow herself to dwell on it, however, as she didn't need to be emotional today. This day of all days, she needed a clear head.

Breakfast passed and after gathering the vials of Felix Felicis, they walked from the cottage hand in hand, then stood in the little path between the door and gate. He drew her into his arms and cradled her head against his chest. "As I will not be able to publicly take you in my arms again before battle: Be brave, be careful, and know that I love you far more than life itself."

Tears welled in her eyes and she fought them back, knowing it would do no good to cry right now, though she could feel the emotion choking them both. "And you: Be brave, be careful and know that I love you, too, more than life itself."

He lifted her chin and placed an intensely passionate kiss on her mouth, then finally drew back. She let him go, knowing she would already be late. He would Apparate over a few minutes after she did.

"You'd better go."

She allowed a twisted smile in reply, let go of him completely, and Apparated to the front steps of the Burrow. As she crossed the street, she forced herself to focus on what lay ahead that day instead of what she had left behind and feared never to have again.

The Order meeting was just beginning in the paddock when Hermione walked in, and after setting the vials to the side of the entrance to be passed around before they left, she quietly slid into an empty spot on the ground beside Harry. He looked over and smiled, then threw an arm around her shoulder in a half hug and turned back to Mad-Eye, who was addressing the group. Hermione knew there was confusion in some of the Order members' minds about her relationship with Harry, since most had not been brought back into their secret yet. That would be solved soon, however.

When Hermione sensed Severus's approach from the house behind her, she shrugged off Harry's arm and smiled when he looked at her. Mad-Eye glared toward the back of the group where Severus was standing and changed topics. "As most of you know, we have been receiving information from an informant over the past several months. What the majority of you don't know is the informant's name. About two months ago, Severus Snape," He paused while a murmur of surprise ran through the crowd, then continued, "took an Unbreakable Vow before more than a dozen of our Order members.

"In it he pledged to continue the fight against He Who Must Not Be Named, to tell us of all actions within the Dark Lord's camp that he was aware of, and to fight to end the madman we go against today. As much as I would prefer to do otherwise, I ask that you withhold your hexes until this meeting is over. He has come to give us the final information we need from Voldemort's plans. Miss Granger, if you'd stand and question him for us."

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