Chapter 23: Seeking Assistance

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Though Hermione didn't want to lose the work time, she knew the boys were getting worn out by her study schedule, so she agreed with their enthusiastic thanks. "Is Bill up and around," she asked when Ron and Harry rushed outside to collect a couple brooms from the family shed and hit the skies.

"He'll be up for lunch, but he's still recovering. What do you need him for?" Mrs. Weasley's question was innocent enough, but Hermione wondered if it was an act, or if she really was only marginally curious.

"Oh, you know me. I just had a couple questions about something I read in a book and wanted to pick his brain. How are things coming along for the wedding?"

She couldn't have come up with a better distraction if she'd tried. Mrs. Weasley immediately launched into a full account of everything they'd accomplished that week and what was still ahead. Fleur had gone home for a little while to work on her preparations with her family, and Ginny was running errands like mad for her mum. Between the wedding and Order duties, the family was extremely busy.

"So when do you leave the Dursleys'?" Mrs. Weasley asked when lunch was nearly on the table and the wedding discussion had been thoroughly canvassed.

"A few days before Harry's birthday, I think. We haven't set a final date, but we want to be out before he comes of age, since that's when his mother's protection ends. I was thinking about throwing him a little party, since he's never had one."

Mrs. Weasley turned and looked at Hermione in shock. "You're right, those Dursleys probably never gave him a real party before, and he's always been at their place for his birthday. We'll have to have one here. That's a week after the wedding. It won't give us much time to prepare, but I'm sure everyone will be happy to help out."

"Oh, you won't have time to put it together, I'm sure. I mean, the wedding's going to take time to recover from." Hermione would love to have some help in the planning, but she knew Molly Weasley already had her hands full, and she didn't want to add another burden to the woman's already full shoulders.

"Nonsense, there'll be plenty of time. I say we make it a surprise and invite everyone he knows from the Order. Nymphadora will help me get the word out, and with your help we can certainly throw something together. He'll be of age, after all, and there's no better time for a celebration than when one's young man becomes an adult." Mrs. Weasley wiped her eyes with the corner of her apron, her emotions overflowing.

It made Hermione a bit uncomfortable and excited to be part of putting it together. "I appreciate it. I wasn't sure where to do it, or who to invite, and you know we're kind of living off Sirius's money right now so buying food and everything. . . "

"Don't you worry over it. I'll take care of everything. Now, I hear Bill coming down the stairs. Best catch him and get to your question before the boys come back in and monopolize his attention." She touched the apron to her eye again, and Hermione turned toward the stairs where Bill was stepping on the floor.

"Hi, Hermione. Hadn't expected to see you today. Where are Harry and Ron?"

"On brooms—where else?" Hermione smiled and moved over to allow him past. He was looking a little better than last time she saw him, but he still looked pretty worn out.

Bill laughed and moved to the living room, where he took a seat on the sofa. "You have a great deal of patience to put up with their flying when you don't enjoy flying yourself."

I love flying, just not on a broom. If she thought she could have disappeared for half an hour without anyone noticing, she would have transformed and gone for a flight now. It was a beautiful day outside, and the soft summer breezes beckoned her. "I had a couple questions about that book you lent me and wondered if we could get a hand with some things. Your mum said you need a few days yet."

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