Come on in - Larry AU one shot

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Okay, so I'm not gonna write like a long author's note because you wouldn't read it anyways, I just wanna apologize for all the mistakes that you'll probably find in every two sentences. English isn't my first language so forgive me ;)

It was early December, the world became darker and colder but somehow also welcoming. The snow was dancing gracefully with the yellow light, coming from numerous street lamps. Harry was waiting at the bus stop, rubbing his hands, craving some hot tea. Finally, he heard the sound of a vehicle coming to a halt and then the door opened. A tall lady with small child in her arms thanked the driver and smiled at curly haired boy, who was patiently waiting for her to get off.

"Evening Roger." Harry rummaged through his pocket and pulled out some money. "Huckleberry Street, please."

"Here." The driver said, giving him change and his ticket. Their fingers brushed. "You should wear gloves you know, or at least keep your hands in pockets. It's December Harry." Roger chuckled and glanced at the rear view mirror. 

Harry just waved him off and turned around. His eyes fell on a petite boy sitting by the window, reading a book. There was something captivating about him. Maybe it was the way his lips twitched in a smile, making Harry wonder what has he read. Or maybe his slim fingers, readjusting his glasses. Or maybe his adorable, rosy cheeks or messy hair sticking out of a grey beanie. And suddenly Harry found himself asking this boy if the seat next to him was free. 

"Yeah." The boy murmured, his eyes still on a book.

Harry thought it was rather adorable, but on the other hand he hoped the boy would look up so he could at least see the color of his eyes. He sat down and checked the time on a big, electronic clock hanging from the ceiling. 5:23PM. He then pulled a book out of his bag and set it in between his thighs. He tried to fish his cellphone out of his pocket but it wasn't that easy when you wore skin tight jeans. The curly haired lad accidentally nudged the other boy which made him look up. 

"Sorry I was just trying to pull out my phone and-" Harry started rambling but was soon cut off.

"It's okay, happens to the best of us." The boy smiled and his blue eyes sparkled.

"Us, phone pullouters?" They both chuckled and Harry found himself amazed by the sound of this sweet melody.

"I'm pretty sure there's no such word as pullouter." Caramel haired boy stated, marking the page with colorful paper and closing the book. "I'm Louis, by the way." He extended his hand and Harry shook it, hoping he wasn't the only one who felt the weird sensation, sparks dancing on his skin. 

"Harry." Dimples greeted crinkles and everything felt so right at that moment. Harry's eyes fell upon the cover of the book on boy's lap and Louis' gaze followed. "The fault in our stars?" He asked smiling.

"Yeah, it's a great book. It's hard to put it away." Their eyes met again.

"I know." Harry said, taking a copy of the same book from in between his thighs and waving it in front of Louis' face. "If you wanna read then just-"

"N-no, it's fine." Louis put the book on his right, next to his leg and so did Harry, their hands brushing again. And there it was again, the sensation. It seemed like these books were barrier between them, keeping their bodies apart, even though they both desperately wanted to feel that spark again. Yeah, it wasn't just Harry, Louis felt it as well. "I need something for later anyways." Blue eyed boy smiled.

They continued talking, both extremely excited to find out as much as they can about each other. Harry learned that Louis lived on his own. He had four beloved sisters back in his hometown. He worked at a little music shop called Bennet's and Harry was surprised that he never saw him, because he sometimes visited the store to find some old, cheap CDs with his soon-to-be favourite tracks. Because that's just how Harry was. He liked old, unknown bands and his taste in music was pretty much unconventional. Some would say bad. But it wasn't bad, it just wasn't something every teenager listened to. It was okay though, because Harry wasn't every teenager, Harry was just... Harry. And Louis loved it. He was mesmerized by the way curly haired boy spoke. His deep, slow voice. His pink lips that Louis caught himself looking at once. Or maybe a few times. And then he realized the next stop is his stop. His eyes lost their sparkle for a second and Harry noticed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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