Ups and Downs

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When I reached home, Andrew and Mrs. Jones were standing at the door waiting for me.

I grinned at them and hugged Mrs. Jones.

Tabby nudged me, and whispered, "You can hug Andrew too you know, I know you want to and I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

Andrew apparently heard that because he gave me a small smile and opened his arms. I blushed and gave him a hug.

"Uh, Tabby come help me with the cookies I made for Amanda." She said.

"If they're already made, then why do I need to help you?"

She instantly realized her mistake and covered herself up, "I-I should probably um, help you make, Uh, frosting!"

She ran inside and Mrs. Jones also went leaving me with Andrew in awkwardness. 

"Uh, I'm glad your back." He said.

"I'm glad too." I said.

"I missed you", he whispered, "did you miss me?"

I was mesmerized in his beautiful eyes. His voice like and angel. His-

"Did you?" He asked again.

"I hope this answers your question."

I stood on my tiptoes and put my lips on his lips. He instantly kissed back and I could tell he was smiling through the kiss, as though this was something he'd hoped for for a long time.

I felt as though I was flying. But sadly I had to come back from cloud 9, because Tabby opened the door and was probably about to tell us to come inside, but froze.

She turned around. Went inside. And closed the door.

We started laughing and after a while we went in as well.

Tabby kept giving me smiles which I ignored and quietly ate my cookie. I could tell she had told mrs. Jones about had happened because even she had a huge smile on her face. After eating my cookie I felt like having coffee, so me and Andrew headed out while Tabby and Mrs. Jones watched T.V.

Once we were out Andrew became serious.

"Uh, is everything okay."

"Not exactly... You see Amanda we can't really um, be together for a while."

I stared at him in shock. I knew it, the time I spent with him was too good to last.

"But, why?!"

"Amanda, don't take this the wrong way. I really like you. Alot! It's just my father doesn't approve of two people working in the same department to date. We're supposed to work together. Only with your ability and my knowledge can we make a difference in this world. And my father believes two people working and involved, is distracting for them..."


"I'm sorry..."


Author's note

Hey guys :)

Vote, comment and fan!!!!!!!! 

Excuse the length of the chapter please :D

Thankyou <3

Picture on the side is of Andrew and Amana. :P

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