Chapter Two- The Raven's Nest

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The forest, or otherwise the "Raven's Nest". Many of those who knew what kind of dark, mysterious, things that lingered in the forest never went back. Not even to escape their fate. Because, that's just what "they" wanted. They. The creatures of the night who wandered the woods for eternity, because their spirits couldn't roam free. Those who died of the suffering and torture the Raven's Nest caused them.  You see, the inhabitants of the forest want to be set free, and the only way to do that is to cause grief and pain to a living being. Because of that, no animals can be found there, they have all been tortured and caused pain in many sickly ways, such as being skinned while still alive, or being roasted over a fire, or even having their eyes gouged out. It's no joke about how many innocent lives have been taken by this ghastly forest. Only the ones who wield light magic can escape the fate of this forest. Once you've been in the Raven's Nest, your punishment has already started. Almost immediately, so take caution, never enter the Raven's Nest.

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