Chapter Two ;The ultimate weaver

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I went to the stone house to have lessons with my Aunt Othelia .She taught me some complex stitches to practice. Reaching home very late ,I met up with the Sheriff's daughter Elena.She is part of the maidens who weave .She had to leave me to attend a session with the members of the weaving circle . They had an objective which was to find the ultimate one. Due to my curiosity,I went to the village's library to get some information about the women who sing and sew stitches.It was stated according to Hollow history that a person who is fated to sew prediction stitches is known as a weaver. There is the all powerful one known as the ultimate weaver. I kept on reading until it was dark .I knew that I had to return home .On my way home,a voice started speaking to me .
"You are the fated one ,the ultimate one".I run as fast as I could all the way home.The voice suddenly took over me the time I had reached home .I started weaving on the map.I didn't know what came over me. Suddenly ,a voice said,"it is you ,the ultimate weaver". I turned and saw Elena .There, I knew that I was the ultimate weaver.She advised me to join the
weaving circle but I still had doubts.

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