The Bad Boy Hero

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Hi guys! Gina here :)

I hope you enjoy this story, leave a comment or vote if you do! Constructive criticism welcome!

Have a nice day guys 

Much love xx


I guess it started a year ago; the school library was emptying but I still had another Act to annotate before I went home, I knew I wouldn’t get it done at home and I was being dragged out of the house by my best friend, Tess Daniels, since it was a Friday night and “all good teenagers are meant to go out on a Friday night”. I looked around me for a moment to see that there were only a couple of people sat at computers and I was the only one sat at a desk. The lights flicked off in a classroom across the hall and I sighed slightly before carrying on. I twirled a lock of brunette hair around my finger as I read: “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind”

“Excuse me,” I blinked and looked up from my book to see Jasper Ryder and could have thrown up in my mouth at the sight of him. He made my skin crawl however good looking he was with dark curls and a wicked smile that had been replaced with an uncertain look as he glanced around the almost empty place like he was wondering if he was going to ruin his reputation by just being at school at this time. Jasper Ryder was the school ‘bad boy’ and all around douche bag, he was cruel, cold hearted and was frequently seen bullying year 7’s. “You are Annie Heart right?” Oh wow you have to be kidding me. The last time Jasper Ryder had talked to me was four months before when he and his infuriating girlfriend Jade Campbell had ‘started’ on Tess and I when we had accidently ran into her in the corridor; she had then spent the next 10 minutes yelling at us until Jasper stepped in and, insulting us both in the process, moved her along since he wanted a fag and we were keeping him up. “Right?” Jasper Ryder asked again raising his eyebrow at me like I hadn’t understood.

“Yes,” I rolled my eyes turning back to the play in my hands

“Right well I need a favour,” I looked to see he had his arms folded his tie loose and the first couple of buttons of his shirt undone. I raised my eyebrow at him for him to continue “You need to tutor me,” Jasper Ryder said bluntly, more of an order than a request.  

I could have laughed in his face but kept it in knowing that wouldn’t go down well “No,” I turned back to my play

“What? Did you just say no?” I saw, out of the corner of my eye, his grey eyes narrow at me

“I’m sorry didn’t you hear me,” I continued in a patronizing tone glancing back up when he was still stood there simply staring at me like he couldn’t believe what I had said.

“But I have an exam in 2 weeks and if you don’t help I’ll fail,”

I sighed through my nose “I begin tutor sessions at least 2 months before an exam, not 2 weeks and even if you had come to me 2 months ago I would have given you the same answer,” He held my unwavering gaze for a moment

“I thought you were a nice bitch,”

Wow such a charmer “I am,” I blinked making sure it looked like it didn’t faze me, which it didn’t I had faced a lot worse than him.  “Now I have to get this work done and I’d like to leave soon so jog on,” I gave him a sweetly smile

“Stuck up bitch,” he muttered

“And you’re a low life piece of shit,” I kept up my smile and turned back to A Midsummer Night’s Dream completely ignoring his existence until I heard him leave with a frustrated sigh. But that was almost a year ago now and I would probably not have remembered the little encounter if it wasn’t the day, well night, my boyfriend, Mattie Simpson, asked me out. I was thinking about this said day as we cuddled up on the sofa in his movie room, Mattie was the captain off the football team and we had gone through the whole popular guy dating the smart and extremely nerdy girl stereotypical love story and come out the other side. He wasn’t like the stereotype footballer, of course he went to parties and the after parties to keep up his ‘image’, but he was just as happy cuddled up with me watching Downton Abby on a Sunday, even if he did make sure I didn’t tell a soul but it was always good for leverage.  When the adverts came on he flicked to Football and I picked up my book, we had our little routines about TV.

The Bad Boy HeroWhere stories live. Discover now