Chapter Nine: Thunderbirds Are Go

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James pulls up out side his house, grabs his house keys from the glovebox, opens the car door and gestures for me to follow him. I climb out of the passenger seat and follow James up his drive way and to the front door. His house is pretty big, I'd say it's bigger than mine. "Welcome to my humble abode" James says as he opens the door. I step into the hall way and he shuts the door behind me. I stand in the corridor and try not to make myself look awkward. "Do you want to to take your jacket?" James asks, I nod and pass him my leather jacket, he hangs it on one of the coat hooks by the door. He looks at his watch "it's only half ten, we could watch a movie if you wanted too? I have loads up in my room" James offers. "Yeah, lets watch a movie" I reply smiling "Okay great, I'll show you what I have, follow me" he replies kicking off his shoes and running up the stairs, I do the same and follow him.

James stands in front of a wooden white painted door "Um, I've never really had a girl over before so, um, don't laugh at my bedroom please" James asks rubbing the back of his neck "I won't" I reply, it can't be that bad right? He opened the door and I stepped inside. Every wall including the ceiling was covered head to foot in posters, it was my dream bedroom. I stepped slowly around the perimeter of the room admiring every single individual picture. I look to my left and see a huge My Chemical Romance poster. "Oh my god, I didn't know you liked MCR?!" I squeal in excitement "Yeah, they're one of my favourite bands" James replies "I take it you like them too?" he adds smirking "obviously!" I shout, James giggles. 

"Anyway, here are all the movies I have, you can pick any one you like" He points over to a huge cupboard of DVDs, he has almost everything, but one thing in particular catches my eye. "Let's watch this" I say holding a DVD out towards James "you want to watch shrek? you could've picked anything and you went with shrek? I even have 50 shades of grey and you chose shrek over that?" He throws the DVD down onto his bed and laughs at me. "Hey!" I reply "Shrek is love, shrek is life!" I reply jumping onto his bed, laughing, to grab the DVD. "Wait a minute" I stop, James looks over to me confused "why the fuck do you have Thunderbirds bed covers? Are you seven or seventeen?" I ask laughing. "You said you wouldn't laugh!" He replies pulling a sad pouty face "I know I know but this is gold, I've got to show Lucie and Bryony, they'll piss themselves" I reply getting up off the bed and taking my phone from my bag. "Oh no you don't" James exclaims grabbing my phone from my hand "hey give it back!" I plead, he holds the phone up high so I can't reach it. "This is unfair! I'm not happy" I say, James shrugs his shoulders at me and laughs. I stand on his bed to try and get higher so I can grab it, I jump onto his back in an attempt to get my phone back, James manages to grab me off his back and put me into a firemans lift and throws me back down onto his bed. He crawls towards me "you can have your phone back on one condition" he says dangling my phone in front of my face. "Oh yeah, what's that then Bourne?" I ask "you have to kiss me" He replies. I pretend to gag at the offer "could you be any more cliché?" I laugh "well, you'e not getting it back then" he replies and starts to get off the bed "okay fine, it sounds like an okay trade" I reply and lean in to kiss him, he does the same, he rolls me over so I'm on top of him, I retreat. "What's wrong?" he asks "James, you know I'm not fucking you when you have Thunderbird bed covers because I'll be to tempted to shout 'Thunderbirds are go' when you nut" I reply. He laughs "Okay, fine, that sounds like a reasonable explanation, so do you wanna watch this movie or not?" He asks getting off the bed to put in the DVD. The Dreamworks logo begins to play on the screen, James pulls the covers from off the bed and climbs inside, I do the same and cuddle up to him placing my head on his chest. I think we only got half way through shrek before we both fell asleep in each others arms.

I couldn't have asked for a more perfect night. 

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