pocket full of sunshine

Start from the beginning

After another hour of discussing the recent happenings in Sycamore, John and I started back towards my house. He took the left stairs, while I took the right. He walked to the right of me across Mary Beth's yard and into mine. I stopped and pointed once we reached the shed. "There it is," I told him. "Wow, what a beauty," he continued. "And so are you." I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and stay there for just a minute. I was about to say something back, but he just walked towards the shed with his tool belt around his waist. I watched as he touched the siding with such care, then walked around the side. Before he walked around to the back, Johnny boy motioned towards me. "Come 'ere, Mallory. Don't be scared now." I picked my skirts off the grass and walked towards him. John picked up a piece of the tall grass growing from the ground beside the shed, and put it between his two side teeth. It was not a very gentlemanly thing to do, especially in front of a lady, but it was just Johnny boy. He took a step ladder from behind the shed, propped it out, and put his right foot up on the first step. "I'll go check out the lookins' of this mess," he told me, then walked up the ladder. I watched as he felt around the roof for a soft piece, and then picked one up and held it in front of his face. "Here's the problem. Just a loose piece of roofin' tile," he said. John took a nail and a hammer from his belt, carefully put the shingle back in place, and nailed it into the roof. He slid the hammer back into the belt and jumped down from the step ladder. "See, Mallory? Nothin' to worry about there," he said as he placed his hands on his hips and looked up at the roof. I looked where his eyes were going, then spoke. "Thank you, John. It means a lot for you to help me out in this time." I looked back at him, then noticed his eyes had been focused on me for the past minute. "Of course, darlin'. Nothin' a little handy work can't fix. Well, I best be off to my gram's house. I will see you tomorrow." And with that, Johnny boy ran back through my yard, to his yard, back up the left stairs, and into his house. I watched him the whole time. And through that experience, I knew I had fallen for John Hinton.

The last week of May and the whole month of June was spent with Johnny boy. He did little jobs around my house: fixing the farmhouse sink in the mudroom, cleaning the furniture on the porch out back, and putting a new blade on the fan in Stephen's room. When he wasn't completing a task, we sat out on the porch, drank sweet tea, and had long and deep conversations. My favorite was when we talked about the planets: John told me he had always wanted to be an astronomer growing up, but would never have the chance to go to college and follow his dreams. I placed my small, soft hand on his large, rough ones, and simply told him: "You can follow your dreams. As long as you fill your pockets with sunshine, they will carry you through life and all of your hardships." My father had taught me that when I was five years old and determined to become a pastor, just like him. You can follow your dreams. As long as you fill your pockets with sunshine, they will carry you through life and all of your hardships.

On the last Wednesday in June, Johnny boy came up to my house with tears staining his dirty cheeks. "Mallory, darlin', I--I--I--". He couldn't say what he wanted to. "Yes, John?" I asked while taking one of his hands. "I have to leave Sycamore and go back to my parent's place in Sterling. The growin' season is startin' early this year, and I have to leave." My heart shattered as I wrapped my arms around his body. His body and mine molded together, like a planet taking shape. "It's okay, John. It's okay. I will always be back here in Sycamore." He let go of me, grabbed my shoulders, and looked me in the eye. "But you won't be with me. And I need you to be," he said back to me. My eyes were stinging with another tear. I had refused to let myself cry since I met John, and I needed to stay strong now. "I know. We both need each other. I promise, I will always be here when you come to visit Mary Beth--". He cut me off. "I want you to come with me to Sterling, Mallory. I knew you were the one since I fixed your shed's roof. I love you." I was shocked by his words. I had never thought about possibly being in love with Johnny boy, but once I thought about it, I was flooded with emotion. "I love you, too, John. I am coming with you to Sterling."

pocket full of sunshine // #SCONTEST2016Where stories live. Discover now