Chapter Two

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Updated: 6~24~16
Reds POV

I can't believe what happened. I just hit her with my car. Tears sprung to my eyes as I called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"I just hit my friend with my car on accident."

"How are they?"

"She fell unconscious."

"Where are you sir?"

"4231 West Frye Drive"

"Okay, we're sending and ambulance your way."

"Thank you."

"No problem. Its my job."

I hung up and waited for the ambulance while holding Alyson. Her blood stained my shirt and hands but I didn't care. I heard the sirens and I carefully set her down. I waved the ambulance over to where I was. They pulled up and got out of the vehicle. They got a gurney and rushed over to her. They lifted her onto the gurney and put her in the back of the vehicle.
"Can I ride in the back?"

"Unless you're immediate family, sorry kid."

"I'm her boyfriend," I said. No, I wasn't going to ask her out yet. We only met today. I need some time.

"Alright. Hop in."

~ time skip to the hospital ~

Alysons POV

I hear voices. Its pitch black and I can't open my eyes.

"Alyson, please wake up soon. We need you at Sky Offices. And I need you," a voice said.


I tried to talk but I couldn't. I couldn't move at all. I was scared. I didn't hurt. I just couldn't move.

"It'll be okay Alyson. You'll be fine, right?"

I hear a set of doors open and I heard running footsteps.

"Let me go with her!" I heard Michael yell.

Him yelling brough tears to my eyes, but I couldn't cry. Again, I can't move. I wanna run up to him and tell him I'm okay. That everything will be alright. That he doesn't need to worry. But I can't do that.

"I'm sorry sir. We need to get her to the surgery room. We can't have you in there," a nurse said.

I heard him collapse to the floor in tears. I can't do this. I heard the wheels on the gurney go faster and I was pushed through multiple sets of doors. Finally, we arrived at the surgery room. I felt a pain in my arm then I stopped thinking straight and felt nothing.

Reds POV

I'm crying over someone I barely know. But that's what you do when you're in shock. You cry over anything. I had to call Adam. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number.
"Hey Mike! What's up?" Adam said cheerfully.

"A-Adam. A-Alysons in the h-hospital,"
I said in between sobs.

"W-what?" I heard his tone change slightly.

"I-Its my fault. J-just get the crew here. We're at Thunderbird hospital (random hospital)."

"O-okay. We'll be there soon," and with that, he hung up.

A couple minutes later, the boys and Emily all ran through the door. Adam spotted me and ran toward me.

"Michael, what happened?"

"She crossed the street and I wasn't looking at the street and I hit her with my car," I said, replaying the event.

"Oh god. Is she okay? Are you okay?"

"She's in surgery right now. I'm fine, just a little shocked I guess."

The doctor came out. We all stood up, eager looks on our faces.

"Alyson Bragg?"

They all looked at me and I walked up to the doctor.

"I brought her here."

"Okay. She's healing just fine but, she's in a coma. We don't know how long she'll be out for. We'll put her on life support for a month. If she's still in a coma by then, we'll have to pull the plug," he said to me, then turned around and walked out.

I collapsed to floor once again, in tears. I was in complete and utter shock.

"How?" I thought to myself.

Adam and Alesa ran over to me.

"What'd the doctor say?" Alesa asked.

"She's healing fine from surgery. But she's in a coma and they'll only keep her on life support for a month. If she doesn't wake up by then..." my voice trailed off.

Adam sat by me and comforted me. We all decided to go home and just relax. But I couldn't go home. It was too painful to go down that same road again.

~ a month later ~

Reds POV

I still recorded but my viewers realize that somethings wrong. I say its nothing but I was depressed because each day, she never woke up. I headed to the hospital and walked up to front desk.

"You know where to go Michael," nurse Clarke said.

Yes. They knew my name here. I came here everyday to see if she woke up. I walked to her room and saw her laying on the bed, eyes closed, face pale as ever. I didn't cry anymore when I saw her. I ran out of tears by the second week. I sat by her bed and held her hand.

"Alyson, its your last 3 hours on life support. Please wake up."

Alysons POV

"Alyson, its your last 3 hours on life support. Please wake up," I heard Michael say.

I've been out for a month. I better attempt to move something one last time.

Reds POV

One of her fingers moved in my hand. Then her hand started to move. Then her head turned towards me and her beautiful sea blue eyes opened.

"Michael," she said, her voice hoarse but a smile on her face.

"Alyson, you're awake! Nurse, nurse! She's. She's awake!"I yelled running out of the room.

Alysons POV

He was so happy. I couldn't stop thinking about all the things he said to me while I was out.

"Alyson, we need you back."

"Please wake up."

"I need you here."

"I hate seeing you like this."

"Open your eyes Alyson."

"Try to wake up, please."

Three doctors and Michael barged into the room.

"Oh my gosh. She is," one doctor said.

"Well, lets check your vital signs," another doctor said.

They checked my vitals and checked my side where I had surgery. It healed pretty well and I was perfectly fine.

"Well, we're gonna keep you here for a few more days to make sure you are perfectly fine to go home," the first doctor said, smiling at me.

"Thank you," I said, smiling back.

The doctors walked out and closed the door, leaving me and Michael alone. I turned to where he was sitting. As soon as I turn toward him, his lips crash into mine, his hands cupping my face. I was suprised at first but kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I couldn't be more happy.

So that was the second chapter. I was an emotional wreck writing the beginning. Thank you my group chat friends for being there (you know who you are) I honestly love them to death. I can go to them whenever and talk to them if I need to. They're always there and that's what I'm happy about. Thank you guys again. Ill see you guys in the next chapter. Bye bye!

That Night - A RedVacktor FFWhere stories live. Discover now