We all stood in the foyer and watched as Lorraine lifted Carolyn's sleeve to reveal the bruises. It still wasn't clicking with anyone in the group. My eyebrows furrowed a little as I watched Lorraine point to Carolyn's bruises. I moved to Lorraine's side and place a hand on her back.

"She posses the mother to kill the child," Lorraine said as she swallowed hard trying to gather herself. The poor woman was breathless from the fall and being scared out of her wits. "She visits Carolyn every night. That is what these bruises are! She is trying to get inside of her."

Everyone began to nod slowly as it finally picked up on what she was explaining. I kept my hand on her back as she back away from Carolyn. I finally pulled my beautiful wife close to myself and held her close. She had a cut on her head and dirt all over her face.

When morning rolled around, Lorraine, Brad, Drew, and I helped Roger, Carolyn, and the girls help pack their things to stay in a hotel for the night. Lorraine and I would head back to the house and hopefully get the go ahead to perform the exorcism on Carolyn and the house.

Ten minutes later, I noticed Lorraine run back into the Perron house. I ran in after her to hear her on the phone. She was crying on the phone as she talked to her mother on the phone.

"Dammit mom, just check!" I heard Lorraine cry out into the phone.

"What's going one?" I asked as I stepped inside of the kitchen, I watched her closely as she spoke on the phone. "Lorraine, what is going on?"

"Oh, thank God," she said as tears rolled down her cheeks, she sighed in relief and looked at me. "I'm sorry to worry you, mom. I'll explain everything to you later."

"I had a vision of Judy, in the water," Lorraine said as she wrapped her arms around me and started crying even more. There was nothing I could do about it, that is the worst feeling ever.

After making sure Lorraine was alright, and she calmed down, we left shortly after everyone else did. Drew was going to be staying with the Perron family at the motel. Lorraine and I would go back to our church and try to talk our priest into performing the exorcism.

A couple of hours later, Lorraine and I were sitting in Father Gordon's office showing him all of the film, and voice recordings. I could hear Lorraine breathing nervously as we watched all of the film. Lorraine has been doing this since the last exorcism we had performed.

"They don't have much time, Father," I turned to look at Father Gordon and he sighed and took his glassed off.

"You know they aren't a part of the church," he said with a sad sigh, I nodded feeling defeated about it. "I'll call the Vatican and push it through myself, see what I can do."

"Thank you, Father," Lorraine said as she and I both stood up and shook his hand.

It was after dark, when we had left to go home. Lorraine and I were completely and utterly exhausted. I was ready to be home and sleep in our own bed again. Lorraine had accidentally fallen asleep in the car as we were driving home. I understood why she fell asleep, everything she sees, feels, or touches takes a toll on her. After every case she is exhausted, and sleeps a long time.

"Ed, something is wrong," Lorraine said as we pulled into the driveway at home. It was close to midnight when we arrived at the house.

Once I threw the car in park, I barely had time to shut the ignition off when Lorraine was already running to the door in the rain. I was right behind her, and Georgianna was at the living room banging on the door and trying to open it.

"Judy is in there," Georgianna said as Lorraine and I ran into the house.

I had to break the door open, and made it just in time to grab Judy out of the way when, the rocking chair went flying towards my daughter. Lorraine and Judy held on to each other for dear life, the phone rang and I ran to get it, so Judy and Lorraine could be with each other.

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