Part 2- Alezandras point of view

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I am so glad I don't have any classes with khloe today, yesterday was awkward and I am not really ready to tell her my secret. Well actually I have 2 secrets. So anyway when we got to the school we split and when our seprate ways. I went to science and she went to English. In science we were learning about biodiversity and ecosystems; but now we are doing electricity. But in English we are learning about the best thing GREEK MYTHOLOGY! Right now I am read some book called oh wait what is it called Pablo Jason and the Olympians no that not right, Perry Jackett and the Olympians that's not it either, wait Perseus Jackson and the Olympians , Percy Jackson and the Olympians that's it and its amazing. So I am learning and reading about Greek God and goddess. I am really enjoying it.

After school khloe asks if I want to go study at the pad because we both have a science quiz tomorrow and it's nice out. I tell her sure because I don't want to make her think I an hiding lots of stuff from her it's just 2 things and they are kind of linked. So if I tell one thing then I have to tell her the other thing. Anyway we got to the park and I bring my neon green and blue striped blanket because I am allergic to the grass. We get to studying and khloe asks if I am alright and I say never better. She says ok because I am acting kinda weird, and tongue twisted all of a sudden. I say no I am find just can speak for some reason.

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