'Love, Family and Tears

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“Hi" I smiled instantly into the phone instantly knowing it was going to be Ethan.

"Olivia, I-I can't do this anymore" he said his voice not entirely confident. I scrunched up my face, was I supposed to know what he was talking about?

"You can't do what anymore?" I questioned the confusion clearly echoing off my voice.

“Us” he uttered throwing me completely off guard. He didn’t just say us; of course he wouldn’t have, I must have just heard him wrong.

“Sorry, I think I just heard you wrong. You didn’t just say ‘us’ right?” I asked forcing myself to let out a small laugh.

“I did” he sighed.

“I don’t understand” I said voicing my thoughts.

“Things have changed; I won’t be able to come back for a couple of years now” he struggled to say.

“Is that all?” I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “You know I can wait, doesn’t matter how long you take as long as you come back to me. We’ll call each other and Skype like we have been doing. It’ll be hard but we can make it work” the confidence radiating of my voice after all we did love each other.

“It won’t work out. I can’t constantly ring you day and night. It doesn’t work like that for me anymore. I’m not the same person I was when I left. You would hate me for what I’ve done, I know you would. This is for the best” he said a little too robotic, like he had been rehearsing this for hours on end and that thought did not settle well in my head.

“Ethan, I could never hate you. I love you” I assured him.

“You’ll find someone better” he muttered really low that I had to strain myself to hear him.

“Not possible Jelly. Now stop being so stupid” I gritted out, purposely calling him the nickname I had given him because of how jealous he used to get even if another male looked my way.

“I’m being serious here, Olivia. It’s over” my heart started beating erratically finally believing that this might be it.

“No” I breathed out feeling the tear leaking out of my eyes.

“Please, don’t cry” he whispered causing a bitter laugh to escape my lips.

“Take care of yourself; keep that beautiful smile on your face for me. I lo-" I heard him sigh unsteadily.

"-bye" he whispered again dangerously low.

"No! Don't you dare hang up on me" I snapped the sudden anger taking over even surprised me. I could feel my hand shaking.

"You've got 30 seconds" I heard a man muffle in the background.

"Who was that? What's going on?" I abrupt feeling that something was utterly wrong hit me.

"Nothing. I have to go. Don't bother trying to contact me cos I can't use my phone anymore. I'm really sorry, just forget all about me" he said one final time before I heard the dial tone.

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