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Idk why dad's side are being such assholes Idk why my mom's side has problems. Idk why I still keep going on knowing that everything is gonna turn to crap.

My grandparents actually care about me and my uncle who was the only who worries about me, my siblings and folks is dead, my little cousins are saying shit like 'I don't love you' or 'I wish you weren't my cousin' or 'Why are you even here, my dad doesn't even like you' and its true my other uncle and some of my aunts don't care what happens to me or my siblings. I was threatened by a student who said that he's gonna kill me and my friends they didn't worry or asked if I was okay but If it was one of the favorite cousins they'll ask if he was okay...

My dad's side doesn't care about my family and has favoritism on one cousin that's an asshole like them. I can't believe that a family who loved everyone equally has turned their backs at my parents, siblings and me....my heart is broken. My moms side is better but they just talk about each other (even my dads too) behind their backs, my uncle is drinking his sorrows away and my mom says to stay away. My aunt is missing rn and everything is falling apart...What happened to my family....what happened to everything...

I don't even know why I keep going on, I just want everything to end...I don't think anyone would miss me at all if I leave...

I just need to...Idk...I can't handle it anymore knowing that I'm falling apart and fake a smile all the time, I just want to die sometimes...

Sorry that I'm venting but...I just can't handle it anymore....

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