The passing ranger

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The stranger passed by in a crucial moment when we had all given up hope. The raiders had us hog tied and they where deciding why to do with us when he came. A flash of light the thunder of god and the biggest guy the one in power armor was missing a head and his friends around him had been scattered like pins. There's nothing like a sniper to fuck up a raiders day. As the raiders panicked and tried to return fire, from an enemy they couldn't see, I felt something land near by, a knife within hands reach I grabbed it and started I work on the ropes. One of the raiders there leader I think decided that he would grab a hostage my daughter was the closest one to him and so he held he up
"Hold your fire or the little girl gets a new piercing"
The loud fire stopped. A lone man came out from the corner he wore a strange type of combat armor with a helmet that covered his face the top was designed like a ww2 helmet but the bottom half looked more like a gas mask the whole thing was made from a dull metal and over the armor he wore a trench coat. In his hands was the biggest rifle I have ever seen    It was about a meter and a half long and about 30 cm tall without scope. It had a sniper body that was pretty standard and a massive barrel about a meter long and it ended with a rectangular stand this was a gun for fucking shit up. As he walked in as calm as a man can be the raider made some violent gestures towards my daughter and so the man dropped the rifle and raised his hands  in a surrender the raider suddenly gripped by an arrogant rage threw the girl aside and fired at the man the bullet hit and he fell down. The raider cheered and danced before going over the body of the ranger and making some rude gestures. I finally freed myself and ran at him with the knife he was at the time squatting over the man and pretending to take a dump before I could get half way the raider went flying. He got cocky and so died in a unique way, not many people die via shotgun to the arse. 

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