"You sure you trust me with your hair?"

"Not really, but you're my only option right now" he teased earning a playful smack on the head from me.

"The amount of abuse I cop from you on the daily" he tutted as he bopped my poof causing it to bounce. We made our way up to the main bathroom hand in hand where he opened the toiletry cabinet and pulled out the needed dye equipment.

"You're in good hands actually. I worked in a barber shop for 3 years whilst I was saving money for America" I testified.

"Yeah?" He pulled of his t-shirt revealing his tanned torso before sitting in the chair in front of the mirror. I began to prepare the dye by mixing it together mix reading the instructions as I went.

"It was a fucking awful job. I was the only girl in the shop which meant greasy men, old enough to be my father hitting on me all day. Can't complain though, the pay was bomb". Marshall shuddered as the cold dye touched his scalp, my gloved hands working it in.

"I've had so many shit jobs I've lost count. My favorite though was probably when I worked as a short order chef, that wasn't too bad. Even though the customers were a pain in the ass".

"You can cook?" Marshall pulled a disgruntled face as I accidentally got some dye on the top of his ear which I quickly tried to rub off.

"Why is everyone so surprised when I tell them that?"

"Maybe because you never actually cook. We've had takeout every night since I've been here" I reminded him.

"I can't be fucked cooking, I'm too busy for that shit. You feel free to cook though".

"Okay then, I will cook the best meal you have ever had tonight". I finished distributing the dye through his hair and pulled off my disposable gloves, throwing them into the rubbish. Marshall stood up and inspected the dye job looking happily surprised with the results.

"Not bad".

"Stay away from me for the next thirty minutes. You absolutely reek".

He smiled at me mischievously in the mirror and then turned around and attempted to tackle me to the ground. I managed to escape and run away from him before he ruined my clothes with the dye. "I mean it Marshall! Leave me alone!" As I looked over my shoulder I could see him advancing in on me, only a few steps behind.

"Gotcha" I shrieked in amusement as he threw us onto the carpet his body underneath me, taking the impact from the fall.

Em's Pov

I never though I would feel this comfortable around a girl again after me and Kim split, and somehow I'd managed to find Cassie. I know it's only early days but she easily one of the best girls I'd ever met, the full package. Not that I would ever be able to tell anyone that. I laughed to my self as I could hear her singing off-key in the kitchen whilst she made us dinner, the fragrant smells filling the house. She was constantly singing; always out of tune and usually some Spanish song I couldn't understand. I loved it anyhow.

"Marshall! It's ready" she called out to me.

I walked into the dining room, to see the table set out with dinnerware. Cassie burst out of the kitchen opening the swinging door with her hips, her hands occupied with the food. She set the dish proudly on the table and looked at me with a smug smile as she motioned for me to sit down.

"What's this called?" It looked amazing whatever it was.

"Pollo Guisado with Moro De Habichuelas" she dished a huge serving onto my plate before giving herself a smaller one.

Under the Influence Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant