Chapter 18: I spy... something beginning with E

Start from the beginning

'Hello, what is your emergency?'

Before she could speak a particularly loud bang came from the doorway and she realized with a start he was trying to knock the door down.

'Please help me, he has my mother tied in our living room!' She exclaimed through tears. 'He's trying to knock my door down, you have to send the police now!'

'Ok, listen to me carefully, what is your address?'

Ellie told the operator her address quickly.

'They are on their way, what is your name?' Her voice was strangely calming in the situation.

'Ellie,' she sobbed. 'Ellie Spencer.'

'Ok, Ellie deep breaths. The police will be there any second you're doing great.'

'Please hurry,' she said as the door literally shook on its hinge.

'Who is the person trying to break down the door Ellie? Do you know them?'

'Yes,' she sobbed. 'Yes I know him, he's...' She trailed off in a scream as the door flung open and he stood there looking ferociously angry.

Ellie dropped the phone cowering in the corner, 'Stop, leave me alone!'

'What have you done?' He looked at the phone picking it up listening to the operator for a second before smashing the phone into the ground. 'You're ruining everything,' he snarled leaning down and yanking her by the arm up. 'We need to go.'

'No!' She screamed and tried to kick him as he pulled her outside. 'Stop,' she screamed louder in hopes a neighbour would hear.

He clouted her over the head, 'If you don't shut up I will kill your mother.'

Ellie clamped her mouth shut as he forced her into the backseat of his car, her only hope was the sound of sirens getting louder and louder.

He looked scared too, jittery as he tried to start the car but Ellie noted with huge relief he was too late.

She'd done it.

The police had arrived.

It was all over.


Charlotte swirled her latte around with the spoon.

The feeling of absolute relief and elation at seeing those police cars swoop in and around his car blocking them off the road was fresh in her mind. Even months later every last detail was etched into her memory. The thought of him sent chills down her back, but as she looked out her kitchen window to the sunny street of Winchester she felt a sense of calm. For the first time in a long time her surroundings brought her some kind of peace.

'Stop looking so depressed kid,' Chuck walked into the kitchen with a broad smile on his face. Grace trailing behind him giggling like a schoolgirl and Charlotte rolled her eyes with a smile.

Watching her mother turn into a love struck teenager was pretty hilarious.

'I'm not depressed Chuck, and why are you always here anyways? Don't you have a job to go to?' She teased. She knew he'd taken holidays from work to spend more time with Grace. She knew what a huge deal it was for him too, Chuck was the biggest workaholic she knew. No matter what time of day, what day of the year he was always on call. He was the hardest working man she knew and it was so sweet he had taken some time off for Grace.

'Oh that's funny I forgot how funny she was Gracie,' Chuck leant down placing a small kiss on Grace's forehead.

Charlotte smiled into her coffee.

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