Allaria's posture went from tense to straight as a rod, "So you really are sending me off to court?" she croaked, her voice cracking.

Lucinda grimaced and turned away, unable to watch her husband break it to Allaria.

"Yes." Edmond replied, he watched Allaria's reaction carefully, "Allaria," he sighed and looked down before looking back up, his eyes changed to a hard and stern stare. "It's time to grow up Allaria." he gestured back to Lucinda and himself, "We have tried to give you time to live your life but this is the last straw. Your time has come and it's time you did your noble duty and finally serve your kingdom."

Allaria shook her head and laughed, "You can't possibly be serious?"

Edmund held firm, "I am." he looked towards Lucinda, giving her a solemn look and then back to Allaria, "We just want to do what's best for you." he paused, "And we think there are certain things here-"

"And people," Lucinda added, pointing in the air with her fan at Allaria.

"Yes, and people," Edmund continued, "That are getting you into trouble."

Allaria couldn't take this anymore, "What are you talking about?" she raised her voice louder than she would have liked but at this point, she was fighting for her life and didn't care whose toes she stepped on.

"Oh!" Lucinda cried out, "Just look at yourself." she gestured to Allaria's bandaged wrist, and scoffed. "You almost got yourself killed."

That was enough for Allaria and she snapped, "At least I was trying to make a difference unlike you two, pulling out on your own people."

Edmund rolled his eyes, "That isn't the point." he shook his head and ran his hand over his face, dragging it down, "and you would do well to remember you're only nineteen and you don't know everything. We pulled out of the slums for good reason." he shook the idea off; knowing it would lead them off topic and rubbed the back of his neck, "You need to go to court and be around people your age, make friends, and maybe find a proper suitor."

Lucinda lit up at the opportunity to jump in, "Oh yes, we saw you dancing with prince Caden-"

"No!" Allaria yelled, turning shades of red.

"Yes!" Edmund yelled back and lunged forward, grabbing her arm and squeezing it tightly. Allaria let out a wince and a quiet whimper. "Look." he sneered into her face, his spittle flying into her face, "You're going to court and you are going to bag me a big fish, come home with a baby if you can, whatever you can do to secure our lineage." he even went so far as to shake her to get his point across, "I don't care if it's Caden or one of his brothers but you grab me a prince or some princely substitute or don't bother coming home." Lucinda stood up from her chair, her face plastered with mixed emotions over Edmund's sudden outburst but remained quiet. Edmund pushed her away like she was a piece of a rancid meat saying, "You've been a child for too long. Now it's time to grow up." Allaria squeezed her eyes shut to shield them from the final shot of spittle from his the harshly pronounced final words. He waved her away and walked back up to his throne.

Allaria could feel the tears welling up in her eyes, they stung almost as harshly as his words. She couldn't believe anyone could say anything so cruel with such utter heartlessness. He looked into her eyes as he settled back into his throne and for a split second she thought she saw pity but it vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

Her entire body quivered and shook the second he let her go, she looked up at Lucinda and was shocked to see her aunt looking... sympathetic. It came as a brief warmth to her heart but it quickly was replaced by the frozen fear that was flowing through her body.

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