The Chest

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      I wanted to run and scream but I couldn't. I was internally screaming. Right before she opened the chest I screamed so loud that the glass shattered. Everyone covered Their ears. Nathan held me tight and told me not to look.

      Serena opened her mouth and she told me to approach since I was the only one who knew everything and studied paranormal things. In the chest there was a curled up body. Nathan was holding my hand the whole time. I was hoping nothing bad will happen

       The body had a book in its hands. I think she thought I was the only bravest one there. I went up to the chest tried to grab the book but it was literally stuck to the body. I had to search around the room to at least get it unstuck from the body.

       Finally I found something to pry it Off with. After the book was unstuck from the body I had to careful to take the book out of its arms. After I did that I had to clean it enough to where I could see what it was. 

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