Chapter One

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‘Alison ..... Alison, can you hear me?’

‘Yes, I’m listening ’

‘As I was saying Paraplegia, is a result of a spinal cord injury, which causes the body to become paralyzed from waist down.’

‘And there’s no cure for it?’

‘No, I'm afraid there isn’t ’


I had that dream again, its always same one. I wake up every morning with that day fresh in my mind, the day that I was told I would never be able to walk again.

‘Good morning Alison, how are you today? , you look tired’ Annie asked me as she walked into my room and opened the curtains.

Annie was my carer, she has been looking after me since the moment I moved out of my parents house two years ago

‘I’m fine Annie, it was just that dream again’

‘Oh, you’re still having that, I thought it stopped’

‘It did, for a little while, I should get over it’s been six years, but I can’t help it’

‘It good to have hope Alison, don’t lose it’.

Annie walked over to my side ‘do you need help or would you like to do it yourself?’

‘I can do it’

I pulled back my bed cover and slowly lifted both of my legs to the side of my bed, while Annie brought my chair over to me. I carefully shifted my weight so that I was sitting in my chair. While Annie pushed me towards the kitchen, I took a moment to look at my surrounds. I lived in a simple two bed room bungalow, which had a small kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. It wasn't much, but it was mine.

‘Your mother called again’

‘I wish she would stop’

‘You’ll forgive her eventually’

‘What she did was unforgiveable and you know it’

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My life as a Paraplegic ( On Hold )Where stories live. Discover now