Chapter 2

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Lissa woke me up the next morning "Rose time for school wake up" i groaned and sat up "i hate school" i swung my legs off the bed and walked to the wardrobe to pull of my created outfit "your going to get in trouble one day with that outfit you know" Lissa laughed "nah, im not breaking any rules ive just found a loop hole" i quickly got dressed did my hair and my makeup and was out the door to get breakfast. We walked quietly over to the cafeteria, something was wrong with Lissa "whats up you havent spoken all the way here" i asked worriedly "nothing..its just...doesnt matter" he kept her eyes on the ground "Lissa tell me, i care about you" she finally looked at me "look at me compared to you, i look like a scruffy cat next to you" i laughed "Lissa your beautiful, youve got perfect hair all the time, you dont need makeup and you have an amazing body figure" i wasnt lieing either "thank you, but i still cant help the waay i feel, you also have your way with everything you could have everything you wanted with a click of your fingers" i looked at my feet "not everything" i muttered under my breath and lucky she didnt hear me.

We made our way in and got our food, our table only had Mia and Jill on it apprently Kirova wanted to see Avery and Camlie and Abby had lesson early because of a trip to St Peters to use the science lab "Morning lovelys" Lissa said as she sat down "hey ladies" they replied "what you got today Rose" i took out my sheet "i have Russian first 2 periods, Advanced Calculus for 3rd, Culinary Science for 4th and then Cheerleading" i had a pretty long day "well i have Russian first as well" Mia said, least i wasnt alone "awsome so i guess ill see you guys later than" me and Mia made our way out and she showed me towards the classroom "ah you must be Rosemarie" i rolled me eyes "its Rose" i bitched "im Miss Karp, nice to meet you" "likewise" i sat next to Mia who was laughing "you will like her" she said to me but im not to sure.

The 2 and a half hours dragged i couldnt wait till it was over and when it were i shot straight to the bathroom to use the toliet "you could of raised your hand to go to the toliet you know" Mia laughed "yeah well i thought i could hold it" i finished and wash my hands and we walked out "well this is where i leave you, ive got Litretchure, ill see you at dinner" great im by my self "thank for leaving me to fend for myself" we both laughed, i walked to my lesson and i was truley on my own "Have a seat miss Mazure im Mr Randall" i sat close to the back "excuse me your in my seat" a girl called Amiee said "ooppes i guess it isnt now" i bitched "dont get cocky with me girl" i stood up "what you gonna do" with that she slapped me but i recovered and jumped her punching her in every direction i could, Mr Randall pulled me off her "Rose, Amiee report to the headmistresses office now" he damanded "and to make sure no more fighting goes off i will be with you, class have this wrote down for when i return"

I gave Amiee a stare that said im going to kill her, she flinched a little and held her face. We reached the office "Come in" Mr Randall shoved us into the office and to my suprise Dimitri was there, i smiled and then i was shoved into a chair "whats going on, i already have to deal with Mr Belikovs boys" Kirova started and pointed to Mason "Mason, what you done now" i laughed then the door opened "its what we've done now" then he high fived Mason "EDDIE" i jumped on him like i did mason. I heard a cough behind me and i jumped down "J to the E to the T to the S Jets kick ass from east to west" we chanted "enough, Miss Mazur take a seat we can deal with you in a moment, Right Mr Belikov whats gone off" Mr Belikov started going on about what happened "we were playing football and Mason and Eddie here decides it is a good time to team up and punch down the other classmates to get to the goal" i laughed loudly "sorry, but thats amuzing" i shut up after that "right now Mr Randall whats gone off with these two "Rose and Amiee got into a fight.." Amiee intrupeted him "no she just attcked me" "because you slpapped me and spoke down to me, where we come from you wouldnt last a week" Me and and boys smiled evilly "please be quiet, this all is childish behaviour" an idea struckme "when we use to get into fights at our old school we had a match.." "like a wrestling match with a ring entrance, ref the lot" Eddie added "its how we settled some disupputes" Mason said "do we even have the space for it and im sure the whole school would want to watch" As if kirova were agreeing to this "the school field is big enough for a ring and the blechers go all way round the field so it can seat the students" Mr belikov said "this is crazy" Amiee snapped "be quiet" i bitched "so what do you think" we are all wondering "fine, if you can find the right things of course you can and do it for next friday please" i nodded "i actually have a request" "and that is" she asked "i want someone to acompy me to the ring" i started "and i want it to be Lissa Dragomir" everyone looked shocked "i thought you would want Amber, remember you guys are the Beautiful People" i rolled my eyes "well Amber isnt here nobody will ever take her place, dont worry ill teach her the entrance and a few moves just in case she gets started on" i assured them "then i want to bring Sarah to the ring" Amiee stood up "i want Mr Belikov to be the ref" he also looked shocked "why me" he asked "because if i let Amiee chose she might chose someone close to her and make them make her win the match and if i chose someone from home then everyone will think ill rig the match but you your in the middle and i dont think anyone could bribe you" i laughed and he nodded in agreement "then its settled next friday be there for around half 5 to get ready and the match starts at 7" i had another idea "why dont we make it into an hour long show" i smiled evilly and looked at the lads "we could have the boys fight as well there is always drama going off with us" Eddie said and everyone agreed "good luck, youll need it" i smiled and went out of the door.

Lissa and everyone were waiting outside "what happened i heared you beat up Amiee" i laughed and then Amiee walked past me so i laughed again "she slapped me first because i was in her chair and now we both are in a wrestling match and Lissa your going me to the ring ill go into detail in class dont worry" i stated and we all walked in i stared at Amiee and she stared back. Me and Lissa were in a group of 2 together and we made a Chocolate cake "looks amazing, dont you think" Lissa said "it does and i love chocolate i have to say" i was really proud of our work. apprrently though we couldnt eat it because it was part of our grade.

Practice time and to see if they can master the hard stuff "5, 6, 7, 8" after a load of falls and tumbles they get it spot on "you did it, now lets try it all together" they did it perfectly "your ready for tomorrow" i cheered "now tell me about that match" Everyone wanted to know "well basically im fighting Amiee in a wrestling match where the whole school will watch on this feild and Lissa i want you to join and be apart of the new and upgraded Beautiful people" she hesitated "but i dont look beautiful and i cant fight" i sighed "you are beautiful and ill let you borrow some of my clothes for the match and for the fighting im going to show you a few basic moves later in the gym, does everyone want to come" i asked and they all nodded and with that we all got changed and walked down.

The gym was empty, just the way i liked it and it was only half 3 usually someone is in here for last lesson. I taught Lissa how to punch and kick where it hurts the most and finally i were going to show her the entrance "right Lissa this is what the people come to see" i grabbed her hand and pulled her to the top end of the gym "play the music" i asked and angel on my shoulder started to play "right Lissa you do this" i showed her what she need to do and then i join in with what i do "now we walk down the ramp" we walked "ropes please" i orded and the girls held 3 ropes at a foot apart. When we jumped up to the ropes the doors open and in walk the boys "afteroon ladies, we have this room booked for weight training" Mr Belikov said "sorry, im just teaching Lissa what she needs to do for next friday" i began to jump down from the ropes "show me what you taught her" he wanted to know "you up for it Lissa" i asked and she nodded "play the msuic again" we made our way to the top of the gym and started again "Mas, Eddie, anounce us please" they nodded and "making their way to the ring acoupanide by Lissa Dragomir and one half of the beautiful people, Rose Mazur" we did the thing we do on the ramp and began to walk down, when we got to the ropes "hode the ropes up and copy what i do when im done" she did as she was told and held them up, she gasped and blushed when she had to do the same, but she was a natural " you did it Lissa" i hugged her "but if thats to much we can do this.

we got back to the other side of the ropes and jumped up "give me your hand" i pulled her closer till our faces were an inch apart "dont kiss me" she wispered "im not just look at them and wiggle your finger suductivly" we did it "i actually thought you were going to kiss" Eddie said "only when im drinking" i laughed "i remember when.." "dont you ever repeat that" i bitched at him.

We left the gym so the lads could use it "Dimitri couldnt keep his eyes off you" Mia said bumping her elbow into my hips "who Dimitri" never heard of him "Mr Belikov" i felt so dumb " i didnt notice" i played it cool "yeah whatever" they laughed "anyone hungry" i changed topic "yeah lets go" avery said and we all walked to the cafeteria "we havent got classes tomorrow because of the game wanna go after party shopping" Lissa asked us all "you actually have fun here" i joked which earned me a death stare from everyone "yeah after every game we have a party after only the jocks and the cheerleaders though" so an elite party then "any booze" i joked "we tend to sneak it in" i smiled at the mention of booze and yes. The cafeteria was empty and the food were just being srved so we got first pick out of everything. I chose pizza and chips with a big slice of chocolate cake with coke. It were starting to get busier when we sat down.

I fell asleep that night thinking of Dimitri, i know i shouldnt but i cant help it, hes perfect. Lissa woke me up once again the next day at 10:30am "come on we need to go at 12" she started shaking me and i opened my eyes "im up, im up calm down" i jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom to shower. an hour later im dressed in a White Deep V neck Twist Front Long Sleeve Crop Top and Jeans Full Length Mid-waist Pencil Pants in Khaki with my white nike Airs. i streghtened my hair so it ended softly on the bottom of my back and left my makeup quiet natural with natural looking fakefalshes and nude lipstick and eyeshadow. Lissa was wearing blue jeans with a grey crop top and black Nike Airs we looked good, now we have to find the girls and head to the football field.

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