Chapter 7

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"Good, then we can leave this reached place." Hux scoffed not liking the fact that he has to stay in a room with Ariana.

"Well that's the problem... It might take us a few months before you can actually go home.. Cause I have to figure out how you even got here. Then I can make a portal that can open different worlds... This is all hypothetically of course. But Im having Y.U.I run everything that had happened in the lap." Ariana pulled out a tablet and opened it.

"So your saying they have to stay here for a few months?!? Ariana can we even handle that? I mean they know nothing about this world! And no offense, your not exactly the easiest person to live with." You say concerned. To be honest, you really didn't like the idea of two guys staying with you. Especially if they aren't from this world.

"I agree. We can't stay here for a few months! We are needed in our world! Can't you work faster!" Kylo wasn't happy about how long it will take for him to return to the first order.

"Look! I'm gonna go as fast as I can! But it's not easy when I have no idea how you got here! Nor do I know where your from! It's just me and (Y/N) working on this! We are about to attempt something no one else has ever done!"

"Ariana's right. So let's just all calm down and focus on what's in font of us. Ariana how long is your mother here for?" Ariana looked up from her tablet.

"Work called. She's leaving tomorrow instead of in two days." You nodded smiling.

"Ok good. So we only have to put up one night of sharing a room with each other. Now is there anything happing tomorrow we need to know about?"

"Uhh I'm going out tomorrow and won't be back till very late... There might be a chance I might be a little intoxicated when I return." Ariana mumbled the last part looking away from you.

"Your going drinking tomorrow with Saleen aren't you?" You sternly asked her.

"Well It's not just me and Saleen, my bro is in town. Look let's change the subject. What are we going to do for dinner?" Ariana asked looking down at her tablet.

"Uhh... Nachos?"

A/N: HEY GUYS! So I just wanted to update this. I do plan on writing more now that I'm a bit more free. But sadly I'm doing summer school and I'm ver stressed about it so it will be a bit slow. But just wanted to update! Love you guys!!

~The Jelly Bean Queen

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