Chapter 2 Monster

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  Sonic and his friends, are now frozen with fear as they see, Trick who once was something they thought was hurt and confused, now see him as a truly evil and dark monster. 

  "What did we do!? Sonic! What should we do!" Tails the fox said as he ran over to sonic helping him up off of the ground. He was worried for Sonic and for his friends. He wanted all of this to end now. "S-sonic, are you okay!?" He said knowing he should have asked his friend that first, rather then asking him what should they do. 

  The blue hedgehog groans a but as he slowly gets up onto his feet, looking at his fox friend. "Yeah, i'm alright Tails. And what about you? Did that thing hurt you?" Sonic had a bit of a worried tone in his voice, he needed to make sure that his best bud was alright. The hedgehog lowered his ears slightly, this time he wasn't sure what to do. This was something they never encountered before. "Tails I'm not sure what were gonna do. But go check on the others!"

 With that, Tails nodded his head and ran off, in the opposite direction, while Sonic ran the other way. Sonic came to a quick stop, when he saw shadow. Slowly he approached the black hedgehog who was getting to his feet. Sonic reached out his hand and carefully set it down on the others shoulder. 

  Shadow quickly looked at Sonic and growled at him. "Get your hands off me!" He barked at Sonic and quickly slapped his hand off his shoulder. "You have no right to lay a hand on me!" He gave the blue hedgehog a dark and angry look, as he brushed himself off. Then his eyes widen and quickly grabs Sonic's arm, yanking him closer, just before something large comes crashing down. " I should have let that thing crush you" Shadow let go of sonic's arm and walked off. "This monster is going to destroy everything!" He looks up at the monster as he walks away. 

 The monster who once, was the hedgwolf they knew as Trick. Now he was larger then them, it now walked on all fours, a long tail connected its body. Crystals formed from its back and front paws, even crystals grew down its tail. Creating a large ball at the end that was made from gagged crystals.Not to forget that fire was in on this to, spits and large gashes in its body allowed for fire to come bursting out. Trick even had fire coming out of his mouth every time he let out a large breath of hot air. The now truly dark being roars at the small ones down below. "I will make you all pay!..Make you all wish you didn't destroy my father!" With that said, he turned his body, swinging its large tail at the gang making them quickly move out of the way, in order for them not to get it. woosh! Trick who once was standing there disapeard into a shadow, and moved quickly. Going to set his plan into action.

  Everyone walked back together and looked at one another, terrified for that was in store, they had to stop it. But how? How do they stop something like this?    


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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