Chapter 1

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He got out of the school and went to a bench he usually goes to when he feels lonely. It is on the backside of the school, but nobody would ever notice.

He has done it a couple of times and none of his teachers or classmates would miss him; he was just invisible for them.

This time wasn't different, so whenever the class time was over he went back to school to meet with her sister and take the school bus back home.

When they arrived home Lauren pulled of Mikey's arm.

"Mikey, can we go to the bakery?" Lauren asked her brother looking straight at him with her big green eyes.

"Why do you wanna go there?" Michael wondered.

"To buy you a cake" Lauren said holding a smile that brightened her whole face and Michael's day.

"We don't have any money" Michael said looking at the ground.

"I do!" Lauren stated.

"You? Where did you get it from?" Michael said furrowing his brows. There was no way her 7 year old sister would have enough money to buy a cake.

"Dad..." The girl confirmed to an astonished Michael. "He gave it to me days buy you a cake" Lauren nodded convinced.

Michael didn't question that, after all he was just a 9 year old naive kid, so, why would he?

They bought the birthday cake and went back home.

When they arrived, Michael looked at the couch and saw his father wasn't there anymore. Maybe he was out; at this point he preferred that, cause whenever night was falling his father turned into someone Michael didn't wanna face.

Michael had to heat up some precooked food in the microwave for him and Lauren, almost like every other day.

"This ain't healthy Mikey" Lauren complained.

"Do you know how to cook, smartass?" Mikey rolled his eyes at her sister, as much as he loved her, it wasn't fair to hear her complaints, after all he did what he could.

Lauren shook her head and didn't add anymore.

After they were done with the un-healthy dinner, Lauren sung happy birthday to Michael even if there weren't any candles.

It was enough for Mikey, even though his mom was missing and his dad who knows where; even though he had to grow up so fast to take care of Lauren; it all made sense to him whenever his little sister would be so sweet to him. She was all he had left.

Lauren headed upstairs to brush her teeth while Mikey stayed washing the dishes.

When the girl was already in the bathroom she heard a noise. She closed the tap so she could hear better; It was coming from his dad room; she hoped for him just to stay there.

Every now and then her dad would get so mad that all he would do would be yelling at Michael. He would scream horrible things to her brother and she could swear he hit him before.

Michael would appear with some bruises but he would lie to her younger sister and tell her he fell. He didn't want her to know; as long as he didn't touched her it was all good.

The young kid soon learnt after his mother passed, that would be what's left for him having an alcoholic father.

"Michaaaael! You piece of trash come here!!!" Lauren heard her father shouting and she feared for her brother.

She stuck out the hall and her father caught her looking.

"You go to your room!" He yelled at her.

"Don't yell at Mikey!!" Lauren shouted while tears streamed down her face.

"That asshole stole my money!" He screamed furious. "I had my fucking money on the drawer of my night stand and that motherfucker took it!"

The man wasn't that wrong, someone indeed took the money he was expecting to use to get drunk, but it wasn't his son. It was her daughter instead, who manage to take it in order to buy his brother a birthday cake.

"It was me!" Little Lauren shouted with her whole body trembling. She was frightened but she couldn't let Michael pay for what she did. "It is Mikey's birthday I wanted to buy him a cake" The girl sobbed.

His father grew red in anger and grabbed her by her wrists hurting her. He pushed her onto his room and Lauren felt on the ground hurting herself. The girl cried loud and curled up into a ball.

"You're gonna learn how to respect me, you parasite" He yelled at her. "Stand up!!!" Lauren didn't move, her whole body was shaken. "I said fucking stand up!!!" He took the child and threw her into his bed.

"You know? your mother didn't love you, she died because she couldn't stand your pathetic face" Her dad shouted with anger.

Lauren was covered in fear and crying hard. She couldn't believe her mami actually died because of her fault. All that she could do in that moment was gathering all the strength she had inside and shout on the top of her lungs. "Mikeeeeey!!!! Mikeeeey!!! Help!!!"

When she did so his father slapped her hard as she shouted in pain. All the girl could see was a monster in front of her.

The man threw herself onto the kid and tried to rip her shirt off.

"Mikeeeey!!!" The girl screamed in tears once more.

Finally young Michael went upstairs as fast as he could after hearing her little sister shouting for help.

His eyes widened when he saw his father on top of his sister. He used to harm him but he never did it with her.

What the hell was that even? What was he exactly trying to do? The boy didn't know. He was paralyzed by fear; but all that he knew it's that it wasn't good and that he was trying to hurt his little sister.

The house was invaded by yells from the small girl.

Michael couldn't stand it. He couldn't let his father do it; he instinctively run to unplug a lamp that his father had on his nightstand and grabbed it.

In that moment Lauren could free herself from his father hold just for a second; it was then when Michael hit him with all the strength he had inside of him on the back of his head.

He hit him really hard; harder than would be expected for a 9 year old kid; but he was a young kid holding so much resentment, pain and anger inside.

The man just fell instantly. Michael's tears where all over his face; what did he just do?

Did he just killed his dad after doing the same with his mom?; at least that's what his father always told him, that it was his fault.

"Mikeeeey!!!!" That snapped him back into reality. Lauren threw herself into her older brother's arms.

He was again frozen for a second; he touched the pick on the bracelet that her sister made for him, with one of his mom's cards, then it all came clear to him.

"Run, Lauren, run as fast as you can!" He said grabbing his sister's hand.                                                                

~ Hey, guys!

So this is my new fic! I hope you like it, I know it is tough; but as I always say I would try to avoid the highly unpleasant.

I would avoid as much as I can angst and triggering, though sometimes it's unavoidable to choose what the reader feels.

What do you think about it? Just give me your thoughts, it would help me a lot! What do you think about Mikey's and Lolo's relationship.

This book it is also for all of you kids who grew or are still growing in broken homes, or the ones who lost their parents. You are all so brave and beautiful and inspiring! Keep fighting!

Lots of love, 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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