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I lay motionless on the cold marble, glancing at Reagan's unconscious body. My mother stood above me, looking pained, but trying to be regal. She began to speak.

“As punishment for coming in contact with a human boy and allowing him to learn of our existence.” Her voice cracked a little. “You shall be banned from the Faery Realms and sent to the Earthen Realms. You will not be permitted contact with any fae, and the boy’s memory shall be erased. This is what the Seelie Court has decided.” I looked up at the last part. His memory erased? The other punishments I had expected, but not this! No, this couldn’t happen! The iron cuffs burned my skin as I rose.

“No! I can’t allow this! Strip me of my magic, send me to the Earthen Realms, do what you must! But please, leave Reagan out of this! He has done nothing!” I was begging now. Nothing could happen to him. He was too important! I limped over to him, and fell in front of him. They could not have him. I would not let them. A few tears leaked out of my mother’s eyes.

“Lacey...” Mother whispered.

I would not back down. I looked back at him. He was so motionless, so still. If he was hurt, I would never forgive myself. I wasn’t careful enough. I thought we could have a quick picnic, that no one would be watching. But I was wrong. I was princess of the Seelie court, heir to the throne. Someone was ALWAYS watching. I was being followed into the Earthen Realms, as I couldn’t very well have the picnic here. It was watched, and everyone knows once you eat faery food you can never leave. One of my mother’s private guards followed me and Reagan to a pond, where we had planned the picnic. I didn’t know I was being watched, or I would have never come. Contact with the humans was forbidden, especially for me, and anyone who was caught speaking to one was severely punished. Hence the iron cuffs and Reagan laying motionless behind me.

“I am sorry, Lacey. But you know the rules, or at least I thought you did. You know what must be done. Maybe someday you will be permitted to return, but until then, I must say goodbye. I wish you luck, Lacey, and I will never forget you.” She turned away and left the room. As she left, a few of the guards entered and grabbed Reagan roughly by the arms. Then I blacked out.

LaceyWhere stories live. Discover now