Group Chat-Mari is Lb?

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LadyAlya added Marinette.x,Adrienlovepuns and DjNino in this group.

LadyAlya:I think someone is missing..

LadyAlya added EvilAkuma in this group.

Adrienlovepuns:what is he doing here?!
DjNino:Dude who's this Evil
LadyAlya:I just added him for fun..

EvilAkuma:Why you added me?!
LadyAlya:why you have better things to do?
EvilAkuma:of course!I need to transform to see if anyone is angry,jealous or sad!!'re in your..
EvilAkuma :of course i am!Same to you Ladybug.
Marinette.x:Whaaa..?I'm not Ladybug!
EvilAkuma :darn it!

EvilAkuma left this conversation


DjNino:well she could be Ladybug
LadyAlya:Yeah you're right! They have same eyes height, voice,hair color, hair style
Adrienlovepuns :well she might be a very huge fan of Ladybug

LadyAlya:then why you're missing when Ladybug arrives? 😏

Marinette.x left this conversation

Adrienlovepuns :............
Adrienlovepuns :i need to go

Adrienlovepuns left this conversation

LadyAlya:what just happened?
DjNino :idk but i think we should stay out of this..i mean..she's might telling the truth

LadyAlya left this conversation

DjNino :.........

DjNino left this conversation

For the people who don't know, I'm Rsadventures. My friend isn't in this fandom anymore so she gave her acc to me...don't worry..I'll continue her stories with her help!
Oh and

Watch my vids on YouTube! It's :
Mari ML

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