-- So Tiring --

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It's so tiring being a goody two shoed person...


I'm done. I'm fucking done with being this person who's a try hard of being an "ideal student". Where I always have to be early at every class, and do all the shit because my fucking "classmates" or the ever so-called "groupmates" who are always slacking off like jerks, just because they have a hard worker with them, AND BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE THE FUCKING GUTS TO PRESENT OUR OH SO CALLED "WORK"! WHEN I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO'S PUTTING EFFORT INTO EVERYTHING! I'M SO FUCKING DONE! THAT'S IT! I'M JUST... UGH! FROM THIS FUCKING MOMENT ON! I'M GONNA DO SHIT ALONE! --Where I always do the talking during presentations just to show them that even if you fuck up, you can always think of a loop hole around it... The problem with these assholes is that they never apply simple basics of Algorithm.


Did you fuck up?

Yes; I did fuck up.

If yes; Then find a fucking loop hole! There's always a way, asshole! You're just not using your damn brain cuz all that's in there is porn, and other shit that shouldn't be there inside your airhead at the moment! -_-...

No; I didn't.

If no; Then why the fuck are you so damn nervous about, bitch?! It's expected that the instructor will ask unexpected questions! Just answer the questions logically and make it simple for others to understand! Don't fucking hesitate!

Ugh... How did these fuckers even got into college?... -_-

I don't wanna assume, cuz if I do skip to conclusions that easily, I'll be like those judgmental piece of shit. -_-...

I'm just... done...

Fuck this shit. I'm done dealing with these people.

I don't wanna do this anymore... I give up...

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