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"Haan...? " I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

"Are you waiting for a bus? " He queried.

I stood up with the help of him and nodded – "Yes".

"So there, your bus is coming" He pointed his finger at the bus which was coming towards us. He helped me to get on the bus, before I could thank him the bus started and he also vanished somewhere.

"Hey...Dhani? " Aradhna waved her hand from one of the seats. I waved back and walked towards her. Every step was painful but somehow I managed to reach there. "What are you doing here? You should have... "She looked at my legs and asked pointing on it - "And what happened to your leg?"

Before I could answer, she attacked me with her questions - "today is your first day of your job, right? And you are already late, what are you doing here? "I explained her about everything that happened, except about him.

I was still standing, hoping may be she will offer me her seat but no, she was constantly talking without realizing that I was in pain or maybe she didn't bother. She was chattering non-stop but who were listening to her anyway, I didn't listen to what she was talking about. My mind was busy playing slideshows of his gorgeous face.

Suddenly she shook me hard and said - "Dhani,Dhani...what are thinking about? Don't you want to get off? We have reached your stop. "I peeped from the bus window and realized that Aradhna was right. With the pain, I hurriedly ran towards the bus door. Before getting off I turned back, waving my hand and saying goodbye to her. However, I froze when she replied - "Bye Dhani, Say hi to Sushant."

On the way to the coffee shop, my heart was cursing me every step of the way. Sushant and I were in relationship from very long time but from few months he became so busy that sometimes I doubted that "are we still in relationship?" I wanted to ask but I just afraid to lose him after all I didn't have anyone except him, at least he loves me. "He is an ambitious guy, he wants to be rich and successful and for that he works his ass off. I should support him like I always did." A little smile flashed on my face.

And what was I doing, thinking about that other guy? My heart clenched and filled with guilt. I didn't want to accept but still somewhere something was attracting me towards that stranger.

"11 o'clock – wow I just loved how punctual you are?"The coffee shop owner, Mr. Avasthi croaked in sarcasm.

"I...I...I am sorry, Mr. Avasthi. This all... "Before I could finish my sentence, Mr. Avasthi interrupted - "I am not paying you all to hear your excuses; this is your first and last warning. If you want to work here follow our rules or you can leave." I get flushed and my face became red. I wanted to scream my heart out and leave but I couldn't do either. After a pause, he continued - "what are you looking for? Now go and start working.

I silently nodded my head while adjusting my glasses and left.

"Hi. I am Naitik. Are you new here? " He asked me with a warm smile.

"Hi. Yeah...I am Dhani". I mewled.

"Don't take him seriously otherwise you can't work here. He is always like this, shouting at everyone. He is a little kinky". He grimaced weirdly while dusting the table.

By looking at him I couldn't help but grin goofily. After a few minutes, customers started coming and we all got busy taking orders. I was quiet enjoying my new job.

"Dhani, would you please attend the table 8?" Naitik requested.

I smiled and nodded to him. "Excuse me, madam, May I take your order please?" I asked with full smile on my face.

But it was not for long, suddenly my eyes landed on a very familiar face and my smile started fading away. He was Sushant. My heart wrenched when the lady with him laid on him and asked-"what would you like to have darling? She was hugging and kissing him.

Sushant looked embarrassed when he saw me but he didn't do anything. I took the order quietly and came inside the kitchen; my both eyes got blurry with tears.

At 8:00 p.m, I left the coffee shop. The whole day I worked with a thousand questions in my mind. My tears were unstoppable but I managed to hide it anyway.

"Dhani, wait.." I looked behind and saw Sushant was running towards me. I didn't understand how to react, I had only him in my life but he was also cheating on me all this time. With tears, I could only utter- "why? Sushant."

He started explaining but he didn't looking sorry at all - "look Dhani, life is not easy here and you know this very well. You know me,I don't want to live like this. So. I took a shortcut."

"Shortcut? "I asked.

He continued excitedly – "Do You know whose wife is she, the top businessman Mr. Mittal, the Mittal's wife."

I snipped in a shaky voice - "oh god's sake, she is your mother's age, she looks around 40 and you are 21 Sushant."

He snapped-"so what? I am not getting married to her, I am just giving her what she wants from me and she is giving me what I want from her."

"Oh, so this all about money? "I groaned.

He spat- "Yes it is, be my side dhani it can solve our financial problem and I promise I will soon help you out from all your problems and we can be together forever."

I slapped him hard and growled – "shut up you bastard. I never thought you would be like this."

You know what Dhani? Whatever happened, happened for the best otherwise I never had courage to told you this. I offered you a chance but you poor woman, Stay in your shit Dhani but spare me." He chuckled left me forever.

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