Chapter 19: a tale of flame and light

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"A-a new sword?" Noah said in awe, not wanting to abandoned his three swords

 Maggie nods "Haven't you noticed? By using four swords, your speed  and defense drop...but with one sword.."

Noah nods in understanding "But these swords can't just be...destroyed..."

Maggie giggles "oh but they the village of flames...there is a powerful smith, who can fuse items...."

Noah raises a brow "Village of flames? so should we find Kyle?"

Maggie shakes her head "No...he's already there...but...well...nevermind"

Noah looks at her "He's injuried? dead? Naked? WHAT??" 

Maggie bite her lip " black may have to fight him..."

Noah looked down "I see...well i've beaten kyle in the past, heck at first he was my enemy....heh that's a good story to remember"

Maggie raises a brow in interest "You and kyle were enemies? well color me impressed, what was he at first? D-" She clears her throat clears throat "His servent? butler? what?"

Noah shakes his head "Naw, this was before...his time, this was back when the time prisms were stable, in fact Kyle was going to mess them up, but i stopped him...he really just did that crime to attract me...he wanted me to join him but well..." Noah got lost in thought as he began to retell the story of how he and Kyle became parthers

5 years earlier_It had been a normal day, but in this time, Noah was a bit younger, still well known for coutnless deeds of godness, but not quite at his prime. It was on this day, that Noah's life would change forever.________________________________________

A guard rushed into the room, panting "King Noah, theirs trouble"

Noah looked up from his book "It'd better be important, i'm in the middle of the only me-time i get!"

The guard bowed "and i am sorry for disturbing, but the time prism...of the south..its in danger! we just got a letter that a strong pyromancer is heading there! What are your orders?"

Noah stands up "Get me Jaden, Rigby and Azariah"

The guarded nodded and rushed out

Noah stretched and turned a light, revealing a door, he went threw and it was a secret storage for his four swords, he equiped them "Lets go save time..."

He left and met Jaden and rigby outside

Jaden looked at Noah "So what's our plan? Do we really need Rigby?" 

Rigby growled "Hey! i'm right here! i may not be good in battle, but i'm pretty good on defense!" 

Noah sighs "Both of you shut up, we're taking a small detour to pick Azariah up then we're heading to the southern time prism village 

Jaden nods "Sounds like a plan"

Rigby shoke his head "Or we could try out my new invention!" He toke out a small cube from his bag "Behold the friend caller!"

Jaden and Noah looked at him, dumbfounded 

Rigby grinnded "With this device, i can teleport anyone to us! I just need to know the full Name, age, and country of orgainl, and current location! 

Noah nodded "I know all that  about Azariah"

Rigby smiled "Great!" He puts the device down and a screen appears "Type in all the info on this and it'll teleport him to us

King Noah and the time Prisms; The east prismWhere stories live. Discover now