|||| Two ||||

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I picked my sister up from the airport the next day, but it was late by the time I got her. Everywhere I wanted to take her for dinner was closed so we settled for pizza and a movie at my place. Reiya unpacked first and showered before we ate in front of the  TV in the living room.

"Rie, I really wish you hadn't gone out with him in the first place."

She said.

"You and me both."

I replied, popping a piece of pepperoni into my mouth.

"Why did you?"

She asked, cocking her head a d taking a dip from the red bull can in her hand.

"To be honest I have no clue. One moment we were talking and the next we were making out. It's a mystery, I guess."

I admitted, shrugging. 

"What does Ella think about the whole thing?"

I shook my head and blew a tired breath out. I haven't talked to Ella in maybe in a week, maybe more than that.

"I don't know, we haven't been talking lately.

"The only reason I asked is because I think I might need reinforcements to help me with a plan."

Reiya wiped the crumbs off her pajama shorts and sat up on the couch, a sudden spark was in her eyes as I looked over her.

"What plan?"

I asked, tossing my pizza crust into the box on the coffee table. Reiya stared at me for a while, her eyes flickered to the TV and then back at me.

"I was thinking I can help you get revenge on Jace. He was an asshole for dumping you the way he did."

She replied. My stomach flipped in somersaults as a slow grin settled on my lips.

"I'm listening..."

"Before I tell you about this, promise me you'll do whatever I say."

"Is it legal?"


Reiya squinted at me as if she was unsure but she didn't want to lie.

"I promise, just tell me what you're thinking."

"Even if it's ridiculous and you don't like it?"


I nodded, the suspense was irritating me.

"What are we going to do?"

Reiya got to her feet and grabbed my hand, making me stand up with her.

"We need to make Jace die-"

"You said this was legal!"

"Not that kind of die, I mean we need to make him suffer."


I gave her a look. I was slightly weary of the idea that Jace would suddenly become infatuated with me after the way we broke up. It seemed impossible.

"Rie, you have an amazing personality. We need to boost your outer appearance a little more."

"How do we do that?"

 Reiya pulled her phone out of her pocket, and pushed me down the hall towards my bedroom.

"Get dressed, we're going shopping. You need a new wardrobe."

"But Rey -"

"No buts, remember? I'm calling Ella so she can meet us at the mall later."

I stopped protesting and went to my room to change. It was about 9:00 O'clock at night. Ella wasn't going to meet us at the mall. The more I thought about this plan, the more I was starting to regret agreeing to it.

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