Part 1

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Chapter by Autumn:

Fourteen year old Stella Blue had a problem. Not any small problem, like her friends were arguing, (though they were), she had a bad lunch,(though she did), or people were calling her ugly, (they weren't, she was actually quite pretty, with short black hair streaked with blue,and dark gray eyes. Her problem wasn't that her parents were divorced. That'd been a few years earlier; Stella was over it. Her problem was that her mom had a husband.

His name was Pablo Lise. So her mom had legally changed her name for the third time. The first time, when she married Stella's biological father, Ricky Craig, and then again, back to her maiden name, when they had gotten divorced, then to Lise when she had married Pablo.Stella's legal name was now Stella Lise, but she called herself Stella Blue. She hated the name Lise, and the man that came with it.

Pablo would make her do the laundry, or unload the dishwasher, using the same excuse every time: "Your mother seems to do everything around here." Stella's mother didn't seem to mind. Her mother wouldn't listen to any complaint against Pablo, claiming they had no structure.

So, Stella Blue was running away.

She'd planned it for a while, and knew every detail of her plan. Which,sadly, meant knowing everything that could go wrong. She was packing her bag tonight; she hadn't done it earlier for fear someone would find the suitcase.

A toothbrush, hairbrush, toothpaste, hair ties, soap, shampoo,conditioner, $50, a water bottle, a notebook, a pen, her jacket,jogging shoes, gloves, four shirts, five pairs of pants. And a first aid kit. She stuffed it all in a suitcase and breathed a sigh of relief. Getting everything in there and closing it was hard.

She pushed the suitcase under the bed and sat down on the bed. It was 7:30, only three and a half more hour until the bus came.

Stella took one last glance at her moms house. She'd hugged her mom before she'd went to bed, and had asked to be tucked it, which she hadn't asked since kindergarten. She felt tears sting her eyes as she looked at the house, but she wiped them away and climbed up the bus steps. Stella Blue had left home.

They ran awayWhere stories live. Discover now