Forever and Always

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Forever & Always

Everything was a mess; Make-up covered my tiny bathroom counter. I looked up at the mirror still amazed at the image looking back at me. My long brown hair had been curled into small perfect ringlets and my bangs were twisted and pulled back. My complexion was perfect! Not a flaw to see. My best friend, Ally, had chosen a light white eye shadow and a lot of eyeliner, to finish up my make-up she added, very large and plush, fake eyelashes. When I told her I was getting married, she insisted on doing my hair and make-up, which wasn’t a problem since I wasn’t very good at that type of thing any way. My mind started to think about the day that awaits me. First the wedding/reception then I left on my honey moon. Niall refused to tell me where we were going, but I didn’t really care. I had other things to worry about. Like the fact that I’m 18 and getting married.

Ally turned around and saw me staring into space. “Alex, Are you OK?” She asked concerned.

“I’m fine, just excited”, I replied.

She knew I was lying. Ally new everything about me! We had been best friends since seventh grade when I was a new kid. She was sitting alone at lunch and asked if I wanted to sit with her, she was kind of a loner like me so I agreed. We have been insuperable since

“Alex, Look at me!” She said sternly.

I looked up from the floor and gave her a half smile.

“You love this boy! I know you do! So why make today different than any other?”

She was right. I did love Niall, he was perfect. He had perfect blue eyes and a smile that could make anybody happy., His rough blonde hair and Irish accent. Honestly, I couldn’t believe he was mine.

“You’re right” I replied.

“I know”, She said with a smirk as she ran over to the shower and pulled my dress off the curtain rod. The dress we had chosen was strapless and long, it was a perfect white with little shimmers that reminded me of the little snow crystals that covered the ground outside. Because Niall and I both enjoyed winter we decided to do a winter themed wedding in December. I put on the dress and looked in the mirror. Ally was right, it was beautiful. It fit tightly around my stomach and then it flowed out at my waist, and the light color complimented my light complexion. As I spun around letting the fabric flow out in front of me, Ally ran over and hugged me.

“You look incredible, but I have to go get ready’’.

She ran out the door in a hurry, leaving me alone with just my thoughts. I thought back to 9 months ago when Niall first proposed.


He had taken me on Valentine’s Day weekend to his parents’ lake house my junior year. When we pulled in the driveway, it was late and the porch was covered in jars filled with glow sticks. “It's Beautiful” I remarked, as I jumped out of the car and ran up to the porch. He got out of the car and slowly walked up to me as I looked in amazement at what he had done. ‘I’m Glad you like it” he said coming up and kissing me on the forehead. We spent most of the night sitting on the porch talking and kissing until he finally grabbed a couple glow sticks and broke them in a bag. He grabbed a handful of rocks and threw them in the bag “Let’s go skip rocks” he said excitedly, running of the porch in the direction of the lake. I laughed, Even though he was 21 he still acted like he was 15. I jumped of the porch and ran after him. We skipped rocks until we had no more, then we sat by the lake as they glowed under the water. He wrapped his arms around me and started to hum a familiar tune in my ear, Forever and Always by Parachute. I turned my head and kissed him on the lips.

“I love you” I whispered as we continued to kiss.

He then reached in his pocket and pulled out a little box. It had a little green 4 leaf clover taped to the top

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