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"She's never gonna love you like I want to/ But you just see right through me." Invisible by Taylor Swift



I hear her footsteps and watch her go

Without the slightest care in the world

Taking everything for granted, so unaware

How right now, she’s one of the luckiest girls


Because she had stolen your heart

When you stare while she walks down the hall

As I watch you in the shadows, sighing

Holding myself up against the wall

She can’t see your breathless eyes shine

As I’m trying not to lose it inside

Can’t see you smile that beautiful smile

That leaves me in overwhelming butterflies

Every day it’s like this and I want to tell you

That she treats you like you’re nothing

But you refuse to believe any of my words

You can’t see that to me, you’re everything

She’s treating this love like a mindless fling

You’re just another toy to show off to her friends

And I watch her, but just stand on the sidelines

Hoping that someday, forever might end

I’ve known you for so long, know you inside and out

Better than this brown-eyed girl, more than she ever will

But you’re too lovstruck to care, to oblivious of reality

That you’re unable to hold your ground and stand still

And take a single step back to look at the big picture

Realizing that your relationship’s been just a one-sided love

But you push away those lingering absent-minded thoughts

And tell yourself she’s everything you’ve always wanted

I’ll fake a smile and force a laugh whenever you’re around

So you can’t see the pain building up, see me dying inside

Maybe somewhere, sometime, someday in the distant future

You’ll finally figure out you were just a pawn and realize

That she’s wasn’t the same girl that you had first met

That she had never truly been in love with you

But by then, I would’ve stopped chasing and waiting

To give up my love like I’d always wanted to

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