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When we were young, we were always told that when we were born, we purged from the darkness into the light. At least that's what our breed always taught us. I know what you are thinking: most human beings don't refer to their society as a "breed." We aren't like most humans, rather we are what you call seekers. We are not what you call "normal", we use the light to our advantage. Our breed has the ability to tap into their inner beings and evolve into something much more powerful. What is my name you ask?

My name is Eliot.

I am, what you call "coming of age" to find myself. Our breed's kin usually age up around 6 years old, which is pretty young compared to other societies. But this is when we can because we are so innocent and pure. It is not impossible for an older person to "age up" but like the old saying you humans say "you can not teach an old dog new evolution strategies." Oh wait, that's not it.. I honestly do not understand any of this, I'm only turning 6 on the 10th of June which my Mom says I'm lucky because I get to age up before most in my cohort. There are what you call "Festivals of Light" They happen at the end of each season, so there are only 4.

It is sort of nerve wrecking to think about.

I remember my brother's ageing up ceremony like it was yesterday.
We were both born in the same season, his birthday is in July. The ceremony was held on August 8. Where he was granted our family soul symbol.
For those who don't know how this works, when you are born, you are under one soul symbol which is usually your parent's soul symbol. Now until you marry you will hold the soul symbol of your family, but after you put your trust into another your soul symbols shall merge establishing love and unity, that is what marriage is right? I don't know I'm only 6 years old.
So back to what I was saying, my brother was granted the family soul symbol on his suit. With this symbol and my Mother and Father's blessing, he was able to illuminate. It's like he had just blossomed, we were finally able to see his tattoos!
They were truly beautiful.
I wonder what mine look like... I guess I will find out in two weeks. This is where my story begins.

I live in a nice little city called Zen. Home of most of our breed, my parents are well known around Zen and neighboring cities. They are involved in our military but that's not really important. They are mostly known for their high stats in the system. There are three classes of stats; excell, normal, and belowe. Which is sort of ironic because my mother's name is Lowe. My brother inherited most of her features. Everyone tells me I have her eyes.
"Eliot, are you dozing off again?" I look up, "N-no", she smirked at me. "You liar, you think I don't know you by now?" I blushed a bit out of embarrassment, even though she is my Mom, she always catches me.
"What's on your mind?" She said as she sat herself next to me. "N-not much, just thinking about life and stuff."
I lied I was actually thinking about the ceremony in case you were wondering, but I was too afraid to discuss this with her. I'm suppose to be brave, like my brother.
"Someone your age has no business thinking about such things you goose. Why don't you go outside and play with Peter and his friends? Maybe it will help take your mind off things." She said smiling warmly at me, I look up at her "yeah okay" I get up and look out the window, Peter and his two friends were playing ball in the square.
I'm always too shy to talk to many people, that is why me and my brother are so close. He lets me hang out with his friends and they all seem to like me. Afterall, me and Peter are only two years apart, he's got my back and I, his.
"Hey Eliot! Finally decided to come out and play?" he said with a devilish grin. I cracked my knuckles, or at least pretended to, "You bet! Come at me!"  I said laughing. We've always been a little competitive, but hey, that's what we do. "Hey are we gonna play or what? Mom said I hafta be home by dusk." said James, "Yeah same here." Alfred said nodding his head in agreement. We began to play.
I've always loved Peter's friends, they never treated me like the little brother like most of the other older kids did. I've never really hung out with people in my age group, they are way too immature. But my Mom says "I have to", once I age up I have to go to a instructional camp for a whole month with these people. This is where we learn how to illuminate, manage our power, and level up our stats.

I'm also scared about this, like I said before, I'm shy. How am I supposed to communicate with these people without my family? Not to mention, I'm high maintenance, but that's a topic for another time.
It all just does not seem real to me, I never really thought about my abilities. I've always heard that being a seeker comes naturally, like you just feel it in your soul. How come I never felt it?
"C'mon boys!" Mom yelled through our apartment window. It was already dusk, where did the time go? "Hey-" I heard my brother say. Fixing my glasses, I respond "What's up?"  He looked at me with concern, "I know what you are thinking right now-" My face turned pale, "W-what do you mean?" I stuttered. "The ceremony is not as scary as you are thinking it is right now, once you get up there all of your fears will melt away." I looked up at him "They will?", he patted my head "Of course! Illumination is in our blood, it will come naturally."
Ugh, that word again, "naturally." Why is that term always used and why can't I grasp it's understanding? It is quite frustrating, "Peter" I say as I put my hand on his shoulder, "Yeah, what is it?" he looked down at me. "Just please, whatever you do, don't tell Mom and Dad, please, I don't need anymore stress." He scratched the back of his head and sighed. "Why not Eliot? They know a lot about this kind of stuff they can hel-" "I said NO, really don't tell them.", "Ugh geez Eliot why do you hafta be so stubborn!"
That I know I was, but I had my reasons. Ever since I was 4, Mom and Dad have been so overprotective over me, which I don't blame them, after what happened. Mom told me that the year I turned four, I collapsed and went into a coma for about a week. The doctor diagnosed me with diabetes, when I woke up, I had an insulin pump strapped to my side and my family was mortified. I remember Mom laying at my bedside for nights upon nights, making sure my insulin was being distributed in it's proper dosages, Peter and Dad would always act sympathetic towards me, I always hated it. I just don't want them worrying about me anymore. 

(My brother is the one crying like a little baby as I proceed to kick his ass at connect 4

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(My brother is the one crying like a little baby as I proceed to kick his ass at connect 4.)

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