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Disclaimer: this book should not be taken seriously, it is just a joke. (Btw I support Zariel XP)

I stare at Ariel in the corner of the room ,fondling her with my eyes. Today I observe her as always, I notice she has a white shirt on with short shorts.

My eyes break from the stare as I glare at Zach. Stinky man tits. I need Ariel all to myself.

I walk over to her noticing her cheekbones appear today. Yesterday they were gone. I push Zach out of the way, getting Ariel's attention.

" Hey Ariel how -"
Zach pushes me in the water ( yes we are at the beach)

" Lol Payback. Why did you do that anyway, are you feeling alright?"

I ignore Zach giving him a death glare... He doesn't deserve my attention after what he's done. He's lucky enough to get those things all to himself. Now, where was I?

"Anyways Ariel... wanna come to my place so we can talk about the tour?"

" Yeah but I kinda maybe... slightly um.. Forgot my car and yeah...."

Is Ariel giving me an opportunity? Well I can't let her delicate figure slide out of my finger tips.

" I can give you a ride."

" lol yeah you're 14 Weston."

Oh God Oh God I need to think fast!

"Uh Yes! GEESES and Betty Wap,HahaHAHAHAHAHA"

Ariel and Zach smirk at me. And burst out laughing. Laugh all they want. They will soon regret it.

" I won't mind driving Ariel to your house Weston." Yeah maybe he doesn't mind but I certainly do. I'm 14 I thought,I have no choice. I better be prepared for Zach then. ;)

Weston's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now