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Jayla's POV

I woke up to the worst sound ever; someone throwing up.

I got up and walked to the bathroom, seeing Hayes leaned over the toilet.

Once he was done, he brushed his teeth and turned around.

He looked shocked. "You drunk didn't you?" I asked.

He put his head down, guilty, then nodded.

I sighed and walked back into our room.

Landon was still laying peacefully asleep on our bed.

"I'm sorry." He said. I turned around. "It's fine, I told you to have fun." I said.

"Yeah, but I shouldn't of drunk. I had a hurting 9 months pregnant wife upstairs with my 3 year old son, and I drunk alcohol." He yelled, frustrated.

Landon woke up and started crying. I walked over and picked him up.

"Hayes, it's fine. Don't worry about it." I sighed.

He sighed and turned around, climbing into bed.

I carried Landon down stairs with me, and turned on Mickey Mouse.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed some Advil, taking it to Hayes.

"Thank you, baby." He said, raspy.

"You're welcome." I smiled. I walked back downstairs, going to see if Landon would fall back to sleep, considering it's 5 A.M.

I poured milk into his cup, laying down on the pull out bed.

I grabbed a cover, putting it over us, as he cuddled into me, drinking his milk and watching Mickey Mouse.

Hayes soon walked downstairs and laid with us.

Once they both fell asleep, I carefully got up, walking on the balcony.

I like to come out here when it's dark outside.

It's really pretty. I watched the sun rise.

I took a couple pictures here and then.

After about 2 hours of me being outside, Landon came out.

"Mommy." He said, in a morning voice.

I picked him up. "What's wrong, buddy?" I asked.

"Daddy is still sleep." He said. "Let's go make breakfast." I said.

We walked back inside, trying to be as quiet as we can.

The first time me and Hayes experienced drinking, he hated it because it hurt him.

He got really sick the first time he drunk.

So, I want him to stay asleep so he won't be grumpy.

We quietly walked past him, successfully making it by.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I whispered/asked Landon.

"sausage, eggs, pancakes, and fruit." He said back, in the same tone.

I nodded. He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Are you tired?" I asked. He nodded and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Go lay back down with daddy, baby." I put Landon down as he quietly walked to the pull out couch.

Him being like Hayes, climbed up there as if he were a monkey.

I smiled as he laid under the cover with his daddy.

To be honest, he was a mommy and daddy's boy.

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