Chapter 8 / / Grounder Meetings and Fights

Start from the beginning

Annalia moved closer to Jasper, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I think I'm okay with that." Annalia told him.

Jasper didn't have the time to say something witty back to her as their lips touched, both of their lips now slowly moving together. After a couple seconds, Jasper was the first one to bring it up a notch, swiping his tongue across her bottom lip, asking for entrance. Annalia opened her mouth slightly, and Jasper slid his tongue in, his and Annalia's tongues now slowly dancing together.

The two pulled apart for a quick second to capture some more air, their lips quickly back together once their lungs were filled. The kiss grew more intense, Annalia running her hand through Jasper's hair, letting her fingers get tangled in his locks. Jasper rested his hand on Annalia's hip, slowly sneaking it up her shirt. His touch sent tingles throughout her body.

"I hate to break this up, but I need your boyfriend." A voice suddenly rang out, and the two pushed away from each other to see Bellamy and Raven standing in front of them, smirks on their faces.

"Jasper, you're coming with me." Bellamy told him.

"I am?" Jasper asked, confused as to where they were going on Unity Day.

"You handled yourself well in the cave with the grounder." Bellamy stated, giving him a gun.

"I mean, I hit him in the head." Jasper replied, trying to smooth down his wild hair from his make out session with Annalia.

"Where are you going?" Annalia asked.

"Finn's being an idiot." Was Bellamy's response.

"Clarke's with him." Raven said, a sad tone to her voice. Annalia was well aware of the love triangle between Finn, Raven, and her sister.

"I'm coming with you." Annalia announced, getting up and brushing dirt off of her pants.

"No way, it's not safe." Jasper dictated, not wanting her to get hurt.

"You can't even shoot a gun." Bellamy added, not wanting to put her life on the line.

"Yes, I can." Annalia interrupted, causing them to look at her in shock. She just shrugged. "A guard showed me how to in the skybox a year or so back."

Bellamy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Fine, you can come." Bellamy stated, giving her a gun. He held back a proud smile when the small girl adjusted her hold on the gun, holding it correctly.

"Let's get moving." Raven grunted, the four of them heading out the front gate.

Raven and Annalia trailed slightly behind Bellamy and Jasper, who were following a trail that Clarke left behind for them.

"So, you and Jasper." Raven implied quietly so the boys wouldn't hear. Annalia's cheeks burned red with embarrassment thinking about earlier.

"What about us?" Annalia asked, not really wanting to have this conversation.

"You really like him, don't you?" Raven looked sideways at her, watching the smile grow on her face. Ah, young love, Raven thought.

"Yeah, I do." Annalia spoke sheepishly.

"I can tell you two really like each other." Raven started.

"How?" Annalia asked, frowning.

"I can see the way you two look at each other. It's disgusting, really. That and you two were practically swallowing each other back at the fire." Raven smirked. Annalia gasped, swatting her arm.

The Other Griffin / / Jasper JordanWhere stories live. Discover now